I Expose My Fatal Flaw

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Percy's POV

"Ah!" I sat bolt upright in my hammock. Annabeth was shaking me. "Percy, you were having a nightmare. You need to get up." "Wh-what is it?" I rubbed my eyes. "What's wrong?" "Land," she said grimly. "We're approaching the island of the Sirens."

I could barely make out the island ahead of us – just a dark spot in the mist. "I want you to do me a favour," Annabeth said. "The Sirens ... we'll be in range of their singing soon."

I remembered stories about the Sirens. They sang so sweetly their voices enchanted sailors and lured them to their death. "No problem," I assured her. "We can just stop up our ears. There's a big tub of candle wax below deck –" "I want to hear them." I blinked. "Why?"

"Because she has a death wish and this quest had been going oh so smoothly so far, so what's life without a little risk?" (Y/N) sighed into his hand. "Do you want to know how much her chances of surviving this trip plummet by when we do this?" He asked rhetorically.

"They say the Sirens sing the truth about what you desire." Annabeth explained, "So they'll show me us not going through with this?" (Y/N) said in faux amazement. "Shut up," Annabeth said quickly. "-They tell you things about yourself you didn't even realize. That's what's so enchanting. If you survive ... you become wiser. I want to hear them. How often will I get that chance?"

Coming from most people, this would've made no sense. But Annabeth being who she was, well, if she could struggle through Ancient Greek architecture books and enjoy documentaries on the History Channel, I guessed the Sirens would appeal to her, too.

She told me her plan. Reluctantly, I helped her get ready. As soon as the rocky coastline of the island came into view, I ordered one of the ropes to wrap around Annabeth's waist, tying her to the foremast.

(Y/N) was sitting below deck for now, using his creepy soul seeing thing to look for any sirens that were closing in, he walked back onto the deck and told us we need to hurry. "Just in case, how do you fight sirens?" I asked him.

"Don't know, never fought one, but if I had to guess, stab them in the head and don't listen to their voices." I sighed, "Thanks, real specific, do you know of any weak points?" I asked Annabeth, before she could shake her head, (Y/N) muttered "Our plan." under his breath.

"Just don't untie me," Annabeth said, "no matter what happens or how much I plead. I'll want to go straight over the edge and drown myself." "Are you trying to tempt me?" "Ha-ha." I promised I'd keep her secure.

Then I took two large wads of candle wax, kneaded them into earplugs, and stuffed my ears. (Y/N) did the same, he waved his hands around at me, I didn't understand what that meant, so he shrugged and walked to the front of the ship, keeping an eye out for sirens as I watched Annabeth.

Annabeth nodded sarcastically, letting me know the earplugs were a real fashion statement. I made a face at her and turned to the pilot's wheel. The silence was eerie. I couldn't hear anything but the rush of blood in my head.

As we approached the island, jagged rocks loomed out of the fog. I willed the Queen Anne's Revenge to skirt around them. If we sailed any closer, those rocks would shred our hull like blender blades.

I glanced back. At first, Annabeth seemed totally normal. Then she got a puzzled look on her face. Her eyes widened. She strained against the ropes.

She called my name; I could tell just from reading her lips. Her expression was clear: she had to get out. This was life or death. I had to let her out of the ropes right now. She seemed so miserable it was hard not to cut her free.

I forced myself to look away. I urged the Queen Anne's Revenge to go faster. I still couldn't see much of the island, just mist and rocks, but floating in the water were pieces of wood and fibreglass, the wreckage of old ships, even some flotation cushions from aeroplanes.

Percy Jackson Series. Annabeth Chase X Male Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now