The Goodbye is too Hard

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(Y/N)'s POV

The closer I got to Typhon, the more I wanted to run away, I had been to literal hell, I had seen the worst of it all, or so I thought, until I saw Typhon. My entire being shivered.

Monstrous was the simplest word I could use to describe him, but came nowhere near even scratching the surface to the feeling looking upon Typhon's true form gave me. He looked at me as I approached, and I wished with all my soul, he hadn't.

I had once said that looking into the pit of Tartarus would haunt me for my whole life, but I knew truthfully, that the sight of Typhon glaring at me, would haunted me longer then that. It was like it tainted my soul, I'd never be the same after seeing it.

I couldn't regret what I did, Hestia was right, I don't care about Olympus, but I knew Typhon would destroy more then just the gods, I knew my friends needed me to do this, but even still... I was horrified to the point I was considering abandoning them all.

Me, who had held up the sky for my friends, who had delved into hell for my friends, who had gone to the ends of the earth, fighting gods and titans for the sake of the people I had loved, wanted to abandon them all.

It was madness, that was what he was, his form twisted and shifted, never the same, but always terrifying, the closer and closer I got the more I felt my sanity being to strain, not that it was ever in the best shape to begin with.

But there was something about him I couldn't conceive. A part of him that made me feel empty, like the pit of my stomach was bottomless, I wanted to cry, it filled me with panic and fear, the same feeling that made me want to run, the same feeling that almost broke me.

Until the fire arose in my chest again, the fire that I thought was a curse from my family. The one that burned my lungs as I screamed and washed over me like a tidal wave, the pain disappeared, the fear was gone. I was free.

A thousand times, I must have felt this at least a thousand times before, the river of fire in my blood, that was the only way I could tell that this was different, as calmness overtook me, I realized someone always knew this would happen, someone who got me ready...

I decided to thank him when this was over, not that I hoped to see him. I landed on Typhon's head, it wasn't pleasant, like landing on a muddy surface, but I somehow managed to plant my feet. Bracing for what would happen next.

Come to think of it, every time that Zeus has hit me with a bolt, I had been empowered by a god or had some other power in me, save for the first time, and I'll tell you now, Thalia's bolts were a chip off the old block.

Thunder shook the sky more than even Typhon had, as Thalia called down a bolt with all her strength. Same as me, she was determined to protect what was important to her. I raised my weapons over my head, using them like lightning rods.

The second the lightning traced down them, words erupted in my mind, shouting over my own scream of pain. "Death rides on the back of a lightning split sky." If I had any control over my body, I would have sighed and rolled my eyes. "That doesn't even make-OH BY THE GODS!"

Every pore on my body shivered, that was how I knew that it was coming. The smell of ozone was so intense I was sure I was breathing it in somehow and I felt my muscles twist and contract in defiance as pain rocked my body.

But that was far from the worst of it all.  I had to remain conscious, if I didn't, my body would try to absorb the power, trying to keep itself alive. so I had to be conscious as the bolt passed through me.

I bet you're wondering why I didn't just take the power of the bolt and use that to attack right? Well, we all saw how much damage even Zeus's bolts did to Typhon, zilch. Because Typhon was a monster, and monsters had thick hides, some where immune to lightning altogether, of course Typhon could be too.

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