We Reveal Some Hidden Feelings

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Percy's POV

I'd finally found something I was really good at. The Queen Anne's Revenge responded to my every command. I knew which ropes to hoist, which sails to raise, which direction to steer. We ploughed through the waves at what I figured was about ten knots.

I even understood how fast that was. For a sailing ship, pretty darn fast. It all felt perfect – the wind in my face, the waves breaking over the prow. But now that we were out of danger, all I could think about was how much I missed Tyson, and how worried I was about Grover.

I couldn't get over how badly I'd messed up on Circe's Island. If it hadn't been for Annabeth, I'd still be a rodent, hiding in a hutch with a bunch of cute furry pirates. I thought about what Circe had said: "See, Percy? You've unlocked your true self!" I still felt changed.

Not just because I had a sudden desire to eat lettuce. I felt jumpy, like the instinct to be a scared little animal was now a part of me. Or maybe it had always been there. That's what really worried me.

For the past hour Annabeth tried to help me keep lookout, but sailing didn't agree with her. After a few hours' rocking back and forth, her face turned the colour of guacamole and she went below to lie in a hammock. After some discussion.

"I'm telling you. It happened!" (Y/N) defended as we sailed, "See, you can still see the line where he cut my hand!" Annabeth sighed, "I've looked ten times, I don't see any line. Listen, it's fine if you ran away, there were too many of them. You don't have to make up stories."

"I'm not making it up I told you a thousand times. I'm totally a pirate now." "You're not a pirate!" Annabeth said with exasperation, "Are you sure you didn't hit your head?" They had been arguing like this for a while now.

(Y/N) came back with a wild story about Blackbeard and his crew that I'm pretty sure was a figment of his imagination, even telling us he managed to turn Circe into a guinea pig by reflecting her spell back at her.

But of course, ever the realist, Annabeth poked holes in his story. "Why would he not just shoot you?" "Because he knew how awesome I am and that I'd probably just dodge it."

Finally, Annabeth sighed, "There's no point arguing with you." She said, before heading below deck. "You can't handle the truth!" (Y/N) called after her before he came to join me. We sailed through the night and watched the horizon.

More than once I spotted monsters. A plume of water as tall as a skyscraper spewed into the moonlight. A row of green spines slithered across the waves – something maybe thirty metres long, reptilian. I didn't really want to know.

Once I saw Nereids, the glowing lady spirits of the sea. I tried to wave at them, but they disappeared into the depths, leaving me unsure whether they'd seen me or not. "Percy. I'm sorry about Tyson." (Y/N) said. Bringing my mood down.

We hadn't talked about what happened on the C.S.S Birmingham since we left it. "Listen, I have to tell you something." He explained to me that as Hermes had visited me, Poseidon had visited him, and had made him promise to keep me and Tyson safe.

Part of me was happy that my father cares enough to send (Y/N) to guarantee our safety, part of me was furious that he had gone to (Y/N) rather than his own son, I mean, if he cared that much, he could have spoken to me. Spoken to Tyson.

"I don't understand. If your mission was to protect Tyson, why'd you not save him. You were the one that pushed me onto that lifeboat, you were going to leave him. 'Just a monster' you said." He nodded, not meeting my eyes.

He explained that a god that used to date his dad was messing with him and his mind, that's why he forgot about Tyson in the moment, someone else was pulling the strings too, he had a sneaking suspicion was Kronos, but couldn't confirm it.

Percy Jackson Series. Annabeth Chase X Male Reader Storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें