I Get a Big Shock

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(Y/N)'s POV

We arrived in Long Island just after Clarisse, thanks to the centaurs' travel powers. When we got to camp, the centaurs were anxious to meet Dionysus. They'd heard he threw some really wild parties, but they were disappointed.

The wine god was in no mood to celebrate as the whole camp gathered at the top of Half-Blood Hill. The camp had been through a hard two weeks. With the barrier down and Tantalus's terrible supervision, the demigods had barely managed to survive based solely on their battle prowess.

The arts and crafts cabin had burned to the ground from an attack by a Draco Aionius, which I had never encountered but as near as I could figure was Latin for 'really-big-lizard-with-breath-that-blows-stuff-up'.

The Big House's rooms were overflowing with wounded. The kids in the Apollo cabin, who were the best healers, had been working overtime performing first aid. Everybody looked weary and battered as we crowded around Thalia's tree.

The moment Clarisse draped the Golden Fleece over the lowest bough, the moonlight seemed to brighten, turning from grey to liquid silver. A cool breeze rustled in the branches and rippled through the grass, all the way into the valley.

Everything came into sharper focus—the glow of the fireflies down in the woods, the smell of the strawberry fields, the sound of the waves on the beach. Gradually, the needles on the pine tree started turning from brown to green.

Everybody cheered. It was happening slowly, but there could be no doubt—the Fleece's magic was seeping into the tree, filling it with new power and expelling the poison. Chiron ordered a twenty-four/seven guard duty on the hilltop, at least until he could find an appropriate monster to protect the Fleece.

He said he'd place an ad in Olympus Weekly right away. Until then, they used the monster they had on hand, I sat at the base of the tree for a few hours, hoping for some leftover healing. Very proud of myself.

"Now were even." I said to the tree as I sat by it and watched as Clarisse was carried on her cabin mates' shoulders down to the amphitheatre, where she was honoured with a laurel wreath and a lot of celebrating around the campfire.

The air felt different around the tree now, like something was missing, I had presumed it was the poison that had begun to fade from it's roots, It would take me a few days to realise I was wrong.

Nobody gave Annabeth or Percy a second look, I got quite a few, the mist wasn't working out well in camp and I couldn't cover myself forever. Chiron promised that once the tree had fully recovered, I could be next, he said it would only take a few days.

I was too impatient for that. I enlisted some help, annoying help. I was poked in the hand, "Does that hurt?" "No." Then in the cheek, "Does that?" "No..." I sighed, "Trippy. Can you close your eyes and blink?" "Yes." "So, it's just superficial. Did you know your skin is the largest organ on your body, maybe that's why it-"

"Lou Ellen. Can you just fix it?" She shook her head, "Nope. Sorry, I've never shadow travelled, I don't know the process that you've been through, so I can't reverse it." I sighed, "How are your lips?" She asked.

"Numb." I sulked, both at my missed opportunity during paintball, and my recent decision to ask for her help. The mist shimmered, "Oh wow, I saw your whole skeleton that time! So it's your muscles too" She said, before pausing in thought. "You can't feel your lips?" "No."

"So how do you say your 'P's' and your 'M's?" She asked, I thumped the top of her head, "Magic." "Where's Al gone? I'm sure he can think of something." I asked, she shrugged, "I haven't seen him all day, he's been acting strangely, maybe he's in the big house?" I shrugged, "I'll find him later.

Percy Jackson Series. Annabeth Chase X Male Reader StoryМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя