We Fight in The Shade

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Annabeth's POV

"Ah, you're awake, that is wonderful news, you gave us quite the scare child." Chiron said, "I am glad my associates could find you. I had Satyrs countrywide searching for you. Luckily you appeared only minutes after we left and only minutes away."

(Y/N) frowned for some reason, "Gave you quite a scare? Funny Chiron. I see your family have let you borrow a sense of humour, maybe you should ask them if you can keep it." Chiron almost whinnied, "I did not mean-" "-Sure you didn't."

(Y/N) approached for a second, before stopping a few feet away, waving at us quickly, before hurrying to put his hands in his pockets, "Did anyone else think those bear guys were going to be a much bigger problem? Or was it just me?" He asked. "Luke hyped them up a lot."

I stood up, running to hug him and beyond thrilled that he was safe, when he took a hand out of his pocket and said, "I wouldn't at the moment." Then it happened and his hand snapped back into his pocket, but it was too late.

At first, I thought it was a strange trick of the light, that my eyes just hadn't adjusted properly, because it flickered, like one of those holographic cards. I blinked a few times, to rest my eyes, I thought maybe I was tired, but it happened again.

I wasn't the only one who saw it, so I wasn't imagining things, Percy said "What the-" and then Grover fainted. "Stop with the looks. It's making me feel all exposed" (Y/N) said, covering himself up like he had just stepped out of the shower.

At first, (Y/N) was as normal as ever, if a little tired maybe, but we all were. But every few seconds, he would change, flickering back and forth between two different states, his normal one, and another.

I must have flinched when I saw it, because his smile fell and his eyes darted downwards for a second, then they came straight back up, looking at me, "I should have known you only kept me around for my looks. Despite current appearances, I'm more than just a piece of meat you know."

Then, his form shimmered, changing into something darker, every few seconds, maybe ten seconds or so, the mist would stop concealing his appearance. I couldn't really process it. His skin...his skin was like a...shadow.

Every time the mist faded, shadow cloaked over him where his skin should have been, but it never fully covered him, leaving behind a swirling mass that covered his body, but we saw the exposed flesh beneath.

Most of the time, all we saw was his (E/C) or golden glowing eyes peering through a screen of darkness as the shadows wrapped, twisted, and circled around him, they obscured most of the exposed parts of his body.

Sometimes even that faded away and all that was left behind was a skull, sometimes with muscles attached, sometimes without. It was unsettling. As a demigod, I had seen some gruesome stuff, more then I'd like to think about.

But I was still lucky I wasn't squeamish and luckier still that his clothes weren't affected, so it was only really his face we could see. "What happened?" I asked, trying to keep my voice level and not stare.

He groaned, "Just some trouble with my departure, left some of me behind I imagine. Don't worry, it doesn't hurt or anything, just looks sort of gross."

I saw his fingers twitch as it happened once more, either he was lying, or he was getting ready to run. "I can't even feel it. It's just a little chilly." "Wow! Gnarly dude." Said a passing party pony. (Y/N) laughed, "Did you just say 'Gnarly'? I didn't think that was a real thing."

Then he spent a few minutes explaining to us what had happened to him as he helped the mortals escape, Chiron approach him, showing not an ounce of fear, "You have done me proud child. You all have" He said, placing his hand on (Y/N)'s shoulder.

Percy Jackson Series. Annabeth Chase X Male Reader StoryDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora