We Sell A King

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(Y/N)'s POV

We were in the palace of Hades, I could smell the flowers in Persephone's grove, looking around I kept an eye on the skeletal guards patrolling the borders of the palace, Bianca was sat at a table across from me, smirking.

She had placed the crown on the table beside her and gestured for me to sit down, but something was off, I wasn't meant to be here, I had skipped past everything, no judgement, no Cerberus, no EZ death line. It threw me off.

I felt like I was floating, like I could feel the floor beneath me but put no weight on it. I looked down at myself, and true enough, I was a spirit. And for some reason I knew more about how I died now I had experienced it.

I sighed at my new knowledge as I slumped down at the table, it was a nice mahogany, surrounded by grass and wild flowers, I proceeded to bang my head against it. "Of all the monsters in all the pantheons in the world, and it was one called 'Kelli' that killed me."

I looked up at Bianca who was supressing a laugh, "I mean seriously? (Y/N) (L/N), slayer of monsters, the man who defied the gods and great general of the army of Nyx, killed by Kelli" I sighed once more as Bianca said, "You saved my brother."

I waved it off, "Nah. He'd have been fine. He's stronger than I am right now, He would have survived. Same with me, but I wasn't thinking, I could have just stopped her with my shadow, or something smarter." I said, putting my head down.

Once I looked up, I said something to her that I had been holding back since the day she died, I had tried to tell her when she was summoned at the ranch, but that didn't do my feelings justice, and now we were face to face, I could express myself properly.

"Bianca, I'm sorry you died, I'm sorry I couldn't save you." She rolled her eyes, "And why would I need saving?" she replied, "Huh?" I responded wisely. She grabbed my hands and held them caringly.

Maybe because it was her, or because it was me. But I could feel it, the heat of her hands, I couldn't hold back my grin, she really was a radiant soul, in every sense of the word. "I didn't ask to be saved (Y/N)."

"My time as a hunter was short yes, but it was some of the best time of my life, it made me feel powerful, it made me feel brave again, and strong enough to protect my new friends, so that's what I did, you need to stop blaming yourself."

"I made my choice of my own free will and I accepted my fate. People like you and me, we know better then most, there's no saving everyone. We aren't in a perfect world (Y/N), but we're in a better one thanks to the choices that we've made."

That was a sentiment I had heard a few times before, but I agreed with it, I was proud of myself for saving Nico. "You give me too much credit Bianca, I didn't do much, just got in the way as always." I smiled, she looked shocked.

"I've never known you to be so humble (Y/N)" I shrugged, "Well, dying changes a man." She just shook her head. A question formed when I looked at the crown beside her. "It was you wasn't it, that stripped Minos of his title?" She nodded.

"I've been helping where I can. Don't tell Nico though, he hates it when people try to do things for him." I laughed, "Yeah, I noticed..." I trailed off, not finding a good conversation topic except one. "Bianca, why did you call me here?"

I waited for her to tell me the big reason she had dragged me here, some hidden knowledge she'd attained after her death that was key in the quest or something, but she just smiled at me pleasantly for a few seconds.

Then she frowned and looked down, twiddling the strings of her jacket. "I wanted to hide you." She said quietly, "To pay back what you did for Nico." "Hide me from what?" She simply pointed outside, the wall behind me became like a screen on a big screen cinema.

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