I Steal A Bullies Root Beer

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(Y/N)'s POV

I had never seen the camp like this. It was so like how it normally was, but it just felt off, like the vibe of the place had changed, on the surface, things didn't look all that different. The Big House was still there with its blue gabled roof and its wraparound porch.

The strawberry fields still baked in the sun. The same white columned Greek buildings were scattered around the valley – the amphitheatre, the combat arena, the dining pavilion overlooking Long Island Sound.

And nestled between the woods and the creek were the same cabins – a crazy assortment of twelve buildings, each representing a different Olympian god. But there was an air of danger now.

You could tell something was wrong. Instead of playing volleyball in the sandpit, counsellors and satyrs were stockpiling weapons in the tool shed.

Dryads armed with bows and arrows talked nervously at the edge of the woods. The forest looked sickly, the grass in the meadow was pale yellow, and the fire marks on Half-Blood Hill stood out like ugly scars.

Somebody had messed with my favourite place in the world, and I was not ... well, a happy camper. As we made our way to the Big House, I recognized a lot of kids from last summer. Nobody stopped to talk. Nobody said, "Welcome back."

Some did double takes when they saw Tyson, but most just walked grimly past and carried on with their duties – running messages, toting swords to sharpen on the grinding wheels. The camp felt like a military school. And believe me, I know. I've been kicked out of a couple.

I asked Clarisse to fill me in as we walked, "Where are Lee and the others?" She shrugged, "Once Tantalus came in everything changed, he said we shouldn't use all of our capable fighters at once and the Nymphs should pull their weight, but now we're just spread thin."

"What about Lou Ellen and Al, why didn't they get the barrier up?" I asked, she shook her head, "Tantalus found out he nixed all their research, said we had no place interfering with godly magic, we're trying to work on it in secret though."

"Who's the monster?" She asked cautiously, I held my shoulder, which was still sore from our earlier incident, "A friend...I think." I looked back at Tyson. He was absolutely fascinated by everything he saw.

"Whasthat!" he gasped. "The stables for pegasi," Percy answered, "The winged horses." I elaborated, "Whasthat!" "Um...those are the toilets." "Whasthat!"

"The cabins for the campers. If they don't know who your Olympian parent is, they put you in the Hermes cabin – that brown one over there – until you're determined. Then, once they know, they put you in your dad or mom's group."

He looked at Percy in awe. "You...have a cabin?" "Number three." he pointed to a low grey building made of sea stone. "You live with friends in the cabin?"

Tyson asked Percy in amazement, "No. No, just me." "I sleep over sometimes" I explained to Tyson, whose eye went wide, "Scary" He said. I sighed, ""Thanks for that."

When we got to the Big House, we found Chiron in his apartment, listening to his favourite 1960s lounge music while he packed his saddlebags. As soon as we saw him, Tyson froze. "Pony!" he cried in total rapture.

Chiron turned, looking offended. "I beg your pardon?" Annabeth ran up and hugged him. "Chiron, what's happening? You're not ... leaving?" Her voice was shaky. Chiron was like a second father to her. Chiron ruffled her hair and gave her a kindly smile.

"Hello, child. And Percy, my goodness. You've grown over the year!" Percy swallowed. "Clarisse said you were ... you were..." "Fired." Chiron's eyes glinted with dark humour.

Percy Jackson Series. Annabeth Chase X Male Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now