The Boat Pulls Me in For Seconds

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(Y/N)'s POV

Y'know, you'd think after dying for a second time which was something I promised myself and Bianca I would never do anytime soon, and that if I had, I would just leave myself be. That would be the worst thing to happen to me today. If only.

No, the worst thing about today was the fact I had failed Annabeth, and she would never let me live it down, and in all truth, I feared she might break up with me, not that I would blame her if she did. Because I couldn't keep doing this to her.

It wasn't fair on her that I kept making these promises while running headfirst into danger just because I thought I was powerful enough to take on the world, despite all evidence to the contrary. She deserved better than that.

Oh, I forgot to mention the third worst thing about today. Turns out, ghosts can't really drown. So I was sat here, in complete darkness, where it was cold as ice at the bottom of the River Styx. Just trying to keep myself thinking to stave off insanity.

Though I don't think that was working too well, every so often, I would hear voices behind me, or all around me, like in one of those fancy movie theatres that I only ever went to if I was either really excited about the movie, or I wanted to show off to a date.

"Look at me, I'm (Y/N) I have an extra ten dollars to spend on improving our experience at the movies and scaring the life out of you when a giant spider attacks and supposedly kills the main character who really should have been a secondary character because all he did was whine about his struggle. Aren't I so handsome and impressive..."

...Man, I need out of here, and fast. Being alone with your thoughts is not a particularly brilliant idea when you have ADHD like mine, a thing made worse when you have what I presumed where evil spirits whispering in your ear about 'eternal vengeance' and 'a price paid'.

I mean, vengeance was like, my thing. But even I thought this was too much. I fought to keep myself conscious and sane enough to eventually find a plan that would be successful in rescuing me from this place.

But before all that I had something much more important to do. To avoid a fate, I considered worse than death. The inevitable "I told you so" from my beloved girlfriend, who would probably send me back to the Styx if I ever made it back to camp.

No. If, if is no good. This time. When. When I get back to the camp. And at this point, I'd welcome the lecture, anything to hear her voice again and not some weirdo whispering in my ear about me bringing this fate upon myself.

I had to get a message out, not to Annabeth, out of a fear she'd storm into the underworld, ride Cerberus into Hades castle, demand my soul back, and maybe even jump into this godforsaken river to get my soul back, like the end of a Disney movie.

Wait, why am I the damsel in this situation? I'm not in distress, and I'm definitely not a damsel. I think, I didn't really know what damsel meant. As I got side-tracked with this train of thought, I realized that I wasn't getting side-tracked at all.

I was trying to remind myself of the person I needed to contact first, before anything else happens, and specifically before the two of them made it back to camp and probably gave Silena and Annabeth both heart attacks. I needed to reach out to Zoe.

Not that it was an easy task mind you, every time I tried to extend my soul, or my powers for that matter, beyond this river, it never ended well, I figured that out when I tried to shadow travel out of here and it felt like my insides were boiling.

I squinted down at the chain that was still embedded in my chest, less then a foot from me, and to the end of it, now driven into the ground beneath me, both being fueled by this river, I'd either need to drain this river dry to make it weak enough for me to break, or be as strong as...

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