The Sun Flies Too Close To Me

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(Y/N)'s POV

As far as the first real challenge I had from Nyx goes, I hoped this wasn't as representative of what was to come as I had expected it to be, because fighting Hemera sucked! I know that was generally the feeling I had whenever I fought someone stronger then me, but this one was certainly one of the worst.

I was hot, sweaty and tired, I had to constantly had to think of my wings and worst of all I didn't even want to be here, me and Hemera were cool, I didn't want to fight her, hell, I didn't even want to fight Nyx, or Kronos, they were just going to far with their ambitions and putting the people I loved in danger.

Anyway, back to why this fight sucked, the air was thin, which wouldn't normally be a problem, since I was naturally adapted to higher altitudes since I got my wings, but Hemera burned so hot she was literally burning up the air around her, making it thinner and thinner.

The others seemed unaffected, getting ready for a fight, but it was affecting me, sweat drenched me, my mouth felt dry, my vision got hazy, and worst of all, I couldn't get near her, she was burning so hot it was like the sun. If I got within five feet of her a wave of heat would hit me like a furnace.

The Nymphs were doing their best to combat it, water was hitting her every few seconds, but I doubt even droplets made it to her before evaporating. Steam rose all around us, which sort of countered the heat, but also stung my skin.

I hissed in pain, Hemera looked concerned, "You should leave." She urged, "That's not happening." I said as I flew towards her. But just like the Nymph's and the water, getting close to her was like being cooked, and before the metal of my sword or dagger ever got to her, it was heated beyond the point of use.

Try as I might to hold onto them, it was an instinct for humans to pull their hands away from something that burned them, or at least try to. I dropped both my weapons, and if a cloud nymph hadn't caught them, they would have tumbled to the ground hundreds of feet below.

They hit the rain soaked cloud and immediately released steam like they were being quenched in a forge, my hands were burned raw, Hemera just stood in the air. An expression on her face I couldn't read.

I tried to attack her barehanded, knowing that if I pushed her enough and took some of her power, I could both even the playing field and limit the amount of damage she could do, maybe take her out of the fight entirely.

Though that worked about as well as you'd expect punching a fire would work. Any flame I snuffed out burned me, and was replaced by one that was twice as fierce, so in the end I was only helping her. I needed an alternative.

Thinking back to a previous fight where I was forced not to hold onto my weapon, I tried to use a shadow to tie my palms to the hilts of my weapons, but the same problem arose, I didn't have any shadow.

I tried to use the mist, seeing as there was plenty thanks to Hecate and Morpheus's spell, but for some reason I just couldn't, it was like the spell had a password or something, I was locked out of even touching that mist, let alone reforming it.

I also feared that she would receive backup from the Keres, like I had with the Nymphs, or someone that would be very hard for me to deal with like my father or Hypnos, so I kept an eye out for incoming magic, lucky thing too, because I noticed the spell coming towards me.

Hemera finally went on the offensive, throwing two 'stars' at us. Like they were extension of her arms, she spun in a circle like a dance to do so, one was doused with water, the other sailed towards me, I lowered in elevation to duck beneath it.

It was doused too before it hit the clouds, but Hemera raced to meet me beneath it, slamming me in the chest with her palm. I went into a spin backwards, feeling like I had just picked a fight with a semi-truck.

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