The Nerds Capture Me

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(Y/N)'s POV

I wish I could say it was a fight, I wish I could say that me and Até went ferociously at each other with the intent to kill and hatred on either side and the end it was only the by luck and the will of the fates that made me emerge victorious, though heavily injured.

But it was nothing like that, having Nyx's whip in play was like one player having a gun in rock paper scissors, it wasn't fair, it completely ruined the game, and there was nothing the other person could do about it. Not that I was bitter, just word of warning though, don't play rock paper scissors with Percy, he cheats.

As the power of the night rushed through me, I felt untouchable. unbeatable, like I could crush diamonds and blot out the sun. If this was the power Nyx felt all the time, it was no wonder that she thought of herself as the pinnacle of strength.

I looked over at my enemy, my whip now curling behind me, but still poised to strike, and she had never seemed so...weak. Now she felt like an afterthought that I could dispose of at me leisure.

Até glared at me, I didn't know if she was terrified, but I hoped she was. She should have been. With this much power, there was no reason not to destroy her, holding myself back would be too much of a struggle, if she died or faded away, she was just weak.

I looked at the city below me, it was amazing, not because it was so bright and lifelike, but because it wasn't, I had never seen it so dark and empty looking. It should always be like this. Looking down at the city sparked a little memory in my head, of the time I was weak and stupid.

I fell to the earth because Até had attacked me, she had lashed me with this whip before, she could have killed me, which was my own fault for being so weak, but she could have also killed Annabeth.

I had never felt anger like this, something about it was so primal, it was like waves that I could feel churning and burning through my entire body. I didn't know rage until I felt it like this, I didn't know betrayal, or sadness, or revenge. I wanted revenge.

Without even a thought, my whip slashed into her, the stars becoming like burning hot molten spikes, she screeched in pain and I felt nothing but happiness, pure and unfiltered by any other emotion or thought.

Again I lashed out t her, she foolishly tried to dodge, as if she wasn't pathetic, and again my weapon caught her, the whip streaked across the sky faster then anything I could have comprehended back when I was weak, but now I saw it, every impact, every motion, with unbelievable clarity.

It tore through the sky slamming Até with such sharpness and such force that it almost slashed her clean in two, the air around it ignited from the speed at which it split the sky, and the goddess was left with deep wounds with every flick of my wrist.

I found myself laughing after the third strike, not at the pain I was inflicting, not necessarily, but at the girls foolishness, did she think I wouldn't seek revenge, did she think she could ever beat me.

Perhaps she did, she was the goddess of delusions after all. She fooled herself into thinking she could ever handle the level of power I possessed, it wasn't my fault she was mistaken.

It was my right as one of the strong to destroy her for her insolence and her attempt at hurting that which was dear to me, nobody should ever have tried that. Nobody should ever hurt what I cared for.

If they did that they answered to me! No god can harm what I deem to protect, they will suffer my wrath. They will know what they have done and before I am through with them, they shall beg for...oh.

I was so shocked by the sudden understanding that I had gathered that the whip almost tumbled out of my hands, Nyx had never said it outright, but the catalyst for this war was my mother, and more importantly, me and my father.

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