We Go Over My Options

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(Y/N)'s POV

We walked into Chiron's office in the big house as we had done a thousand times, Annabeth, Percy, and the others were all asked to go to bed and rest in their dorms and that they would be informed of any decisions in the morning

"Silena has informed me of the vague details, I would like you to explain your side of the story if you are willing." I nodded and proceeded to do exactly that, explaining in no shortage of specific detail how his campers had attacked me.

"-And, after your bodyguard Quintus failed miserably at his job, your precious campers who can do no wrong attacked me with weapon, and I nearly died slumped over with my back to a tree for the second time since I ended up at your camp...then I woke up and had breakfast."

He stroked his beard and asked me, "Can you identify your attackers? Beside the one you...dealt with." I shook my head, "Nope, I had my eyes closed." He sighed deeply.

"You expect me to believe that you were attacked in the dead of night by ten or more campers, and you can only identify the one who attacked you with a weapon."

"Well...he left an impression...like I did on that serving tray..." I laughed; he wasn't amused at all. "(Y/N) you cannot attack my campers and expect no repercussion, now, I believe the one you attacked has already faced enough punishment, you must endure yours."

I scoffed, "Chiron I'm not a camper, you have no right to punish me or not." He cocked his head, "Is that so? Well, I seem to remember you filling out paperwork that states that I can in fact, reprimand and punish you, as is my duty as the activities director."

"Wh...what?" I said, trying to wrap my head around what he said, "Chiron, we're at war with each other. You aren't going senile, are you? I don't want to have to put you out to pasture." I spoke really slowly. "I. Was. Banned. From. The. Camp."

He nodded, pulling out some paper. "By Tantalus, yes. But you see, his move to the underworld was quite a frantic one, and I believe he may have misplaced the documentation. A pity." He shuffled some papers and filed them away into a cabinet, which faded away.

I frowned at him as a smug smirk rested on his face, one I rarely ever saw, but I poked a hole in his logic, "I attacked the camp after that too. Dio...the wine guy kicked me out himself." He nodded, "Olympus had just been attacked, precautions were taken."

I scoffed, "But now is a safe time to reintroduce me as a camper? That logic makes no sense, even by your standards Chiron. And just because you want me at camp, doesn't mean anyone else does, they all hate me."

He smirked, "What?" I snapped, "Nothing, just feeling some Deja Vu. Now as for your punishment.-" "I'm not accepting any punishment for defending myself!" He shook his head.

"No, you are not, you are being punished not only for leaving your bench at the dining pavilion and disturbing the peace, but for attacking a camper after the battle was done, not in fair combat, with a sneak attack-"

"That's stupid-" "-Yes, arguably it is, but I have to be seen doing something (Y/N), I don't think you understand the predicament I am in, if I were showing any leniency or preferential treatment to you, it could be considered weakness."

"Campers are defecting to Kronos daily, if I were to be seen siding with you after the display at breakfast, they would leave by the droves, leaving the camp weak to attack from Luke or Nyx-" "-I made Nyx promise to leave the camp alone."

His eyes flashed with confusion, relief, and then pride at that moment, but he cleared his throat and said "That is a relief, but I hope you understand that I must remain vigilant. So, for your punishment...how would you feel about some...oh what do kids call it these days? Community service."

Percy Jackson Series. Annabeth Chase X Male Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now