The Nightmare Unravels Me

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(Y/N)'s POV

I know this was a bad time, and a lot was at stake, but by the gods was this a good nap. I suppose it was supposed to be, I order to entice me into staying asleep. But it was genuinely one of the best sleeps of my life.

As much as I fought to stay awake, knowing what was at risk if I did fall asleep, Morpheus's magic was too powerful to jut ignore, and I found myself tumbling into a dram before my face even hit the dirt, and the worst thing was, I didn't really want to leave.

It was just comfy. Even though I was pretty lucid for the most part, I found myself wanting to fall asleep even more, but could you blame me? No, you couldn't, because the way I saw it, there were three types of sleep in the world. And even most demigods had only experienced the first.

It was your run of the mill 'get eight hours' sleep, and sure, sometimes that sleep was good, but compared to the sleep brought on by gods, enchanted sleep, well...there was no comparison. The second type was being put to sleep by Hypnos with magic, not just the everyday stuff.

His dreams were always pleasant, and comforting, like you were in your own bed at home, there was a sense of nostalgia to his rests, like taking you back to the best sleep of your life. But this new option I had only just discovered may have been my favourite option.

Morpheus didn't pull any punches either, his sleep forced you to sleep, but that didn't make it unpleasant. While Hypnos had a more gentle approach of lulling you to sleep, his magic out you in a deep, comfortable sleep that you never wanted to wake up from.

And why do I have all this time to ramble about sleep? Because when you're in a dream, time moved slower. Or was it processed slower? I don't know, all I knew that Hypnos once told me that, so I had time.

And this situation was very close to the time I spent in the Styx. I had to constantly remind myself of the situation I was facing, it was a good rule of thumb to remind myself that I was asleep so I remembered that and didn't drift deeper.

What helped me remember this was a dream was how trippy it was, because I may be a demigod, but some of the stuff in my dreams right now were so crazy not even the mist could explain them away.

Three figures wove nothingness into threads of yarn, that they then cut away or knitted, but the trippy part was, that became my dream, like they were knitting my subconscious together, I heard Morpheus, "Why did they send you here?"

As a group of hellhounds danced around camp half blood, I watched as the campers all played capture the flag, only it wasn't a flag, it was a burial shroud, then it was some weird golden totem pole looking thing.

I saw Hestia playing with Nyx's family sword, Eris running after her, but they weren't kids, which was weird, I saw harpies swooping overhead, screeching at me, ready to pick me up and carry me away again.

I instinctively rubbed the scar on my wrist I had gotten so many years ago, the scar that was followed by so many more. I looked down and saw the Kingslayer blades lying in front of me, then they turned to ash.

A sudden flash of light blinded me and suddenly I was in the throne room of Olympus, it was entirely vacant, I felt a shadowy presence loom over me. I turned to it and suddenly I was on the outside of the empire state building.

Then things got weirder. my dad was there, but he was chasing after something, a flock of birds, like they were racing for something. Then I saw Ethan Nakamura, staring in a mirror with his one good eye, preparing himself for something.

The scene transitioned to a magic ritual, I could see Thalia's pine a few hundred yards away, over the circle stood Alabaster and Lou Ellen, they joined hands, and I joined hands with them. Again another transition and suddenly I saw a giant monster looming over camp half blood that I thought was Typhon.

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