We Play the Question Game

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(Y/N)'s POV

I sat on the grass, under the shade of the tree, looking down at the camp, and despite knowing the nymphs would have my head for it, I couldn't help myself, I pulled a chunk of grass out of the floor and began to twiddle it in-between my fingers.

"You seemed pretty mad at Percy, you know he's only trying to help right?" I couldn't see her. we were sitting on opposite sides of the tree trunk, but I heard her sigh, "I know...don't worry about it, it's silly."

I laughed, "When people say that, it usually means that they want you to worry about it, but they are too embarrassed to tell you." I felt her roll her eyes, "C'mon, I walked all the way up this hill, give me something."

"Are you mad at Percy for leaving? Because it might cheer you up to know that he's probably dead for real by now." I explained to her the fate I had left him to, she giggled. "I think that's a little too harsh, I'm not that mad at him, not really."

It was at this point that my hand hit dirt, and I realized I had been tearing up the grass this whole time absentmindedly, also yellowing a lot of grass surrounding my hands. I got an idea about how I keep myself attentive.

I jolted upward, "What is it?" She asked, a little concerned, "Oh it's nothing, I just thought of something we can do instead of just talking like this. It helps me concentrate." I went to go sit in front of her. "So you weren't concentrating before?" She asked, I shrugged.

She looked me in the eyes and continued, "I just feel like it's always Percy who-" I cut her off without meaning to, more concerned about the thought that had just inspired me. "You wanna play a little game?" I asked, miming being on a tricycle before I sat down cross legged in front of her.

"But I thought you wanted to hear about-" "No no no. Let's not get into all the heavy stuff first." I stopped her, she looked kind of concerned, "Have you ever played the question game?" I asked, she raised an eyebrow, "No." I smiled, "Obviously, I don't see you giving me a point that easily."

"It's pretty simple. I ask you a question, you answer, and then you do it to me, but every sentence has to end with a question. There's usually a whole bunch of other rules, but we don't have to worry about them right now, this is a simpler version I made up, I used to play it with my dad."

"So to start off I would say...Why did you only have one of my playing cards? And then you would say..." "One disappeared last time we were at Olympus. The blood stained one." I nodded, "And then what?" She was quick on the uptake. "Do you know what happened to it?"

I gave her a thumbs up, "We can do first to three points, you get a point if the other person messes up. And you don't have to answer a question, but if you do, you have to tell the truth. Get it?" She didn't seem to see the reason I was doing this, but said "Yeah, I think I get it.

"Yes, one of the gods let me use it to pull you away from your lovely dance with our sweet naïve Percy. Are you enjoying the game so far?" I asked to ease her into it, at the mention of Percy's name, her lip curled.

"Kind of. I enjoy beating people at their own games, but I think this is a convoluted way of getting answers out of me. How'd you find me, really?" I smiled, of course she would pick this up like it was nothing, "I've been searching for a while, I just got a hunch. Do you want me to leave?" She shook her head.

"No, did Chiron ask you to come?" "Yeah, but I wanted to talk to you anyway. So why are you so Against taking Rachel? She rolled her eyes, "Of course he told you to ask that..." She trailed off, "Point to me. Jealous?" I chuckled.

"No, why did you want to come here?" I shrugged, "Because we haven't talked in a while and I missed...our talks. Are you worried about going back into the Labyrinth?" She nodded, "Of course I am, Percy almost died last time we were in there. Are you worried?"

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