The Professional Handles Things

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(Y/N)'s POV

Nemesis's words were still fresh on my mind, they gave me a direction to go in, but that didn't mean I was motivated, I felt nothing, I felt hopeless. Even as I flew to Olympus I just felt hollow on the inside, which was a bad sign because flying was always thrilling.

Everything around me felt separated from me, like we weren't in the same place, I flew through the barrier as it slowly crumbled, even the shouts of victory around me were silent. The world literally seemed empty.

Before I even landed, I was searching Olympus for Hestia. Hoping that she would offer me advice, maybe tell me what to do but I found nothing. Even she had abandoned the hope of the world going back to the way it was.

The second that thought passed my mind, a warmth erupted in my chest, not the normal one, It didn't hurt, it was just uncomfortable, like wearing too many clothes in hot weather, I understood it meant that Hestia wasn't pleased with that assumption.

I wasn't in the mood though, I was sick of being toyed with, I was sick of supposedly having the world on my shoulders, but not being told why or how. I didn't care anymore, Ethan was right, none of this was fair.

Truth was, that wasn't the only reason, I knew I was about to die, I knew that soon I would have to face my father, and I was scared. I was looking for something to blame, or someone to talk me out of it.

My whole life I had been scared of it, and now it was here, I felt weak, I felt like nothing I did mattered. I tightened my grip around Glimmer. Absentmindedly running my fingers across the arrowhead ornament.

Was this how they all felt, knowing they were going to die and couldn't do anything about it? I followed the warmth, leading me to a collection of rubble and a small campfire. Thalia sat around it, warming her hands.

Only she didn't move, like a statue, "Yo, thunderstruck, you good?" I asked, hoping Kronos hadn't gotten to her, "She is fine. Resting, not that she knows it." I turned to Hestia, and once more I found myself in my home.

Unlike last time, I just sighed and took a seat. None of this mattered, "I expected you sooner." She mused. "I was busy, watching people die." I grit my teeth, "Let me out of here, I have to stop Kronos."

She shook her head, "No, we have time, your fight with the son of Hermes assured that." "Meaning?" "You took some time to get here." She winked. "I brought you here to ask you to save my family." She said bluntly, noticing my impatience.

I turned to leave, "Please!" She cried in the voice of a child. I grit my teeth, "No, you don't get to play the sympathy card, you tore my family apart, you killed my family, I don't give a dam about yours-"

I felt the floor beneath us begin to crack, something told me that this was the right thing todo, but an equal part of me wanted to abandon Olympus to it's fate, because I knew, better then anyone, if I did this, I'd die.

"Why should I?" "They are your family too..." "AND WHEN HAVE THEY EVER ACTED LIKE IT!" I slammed my hand on the table and it shattered, it was only then that it all made sense, Hestia looked sick, really sick. My head felt all fuzzy.

"You're dying." I said, she nodded, "Without your help, we all may fade. And what revenge is that?" she answered for me, "Nyx's, not yours. Your revenge is not yours, but hers, she has manipulated you. "And you haven't?"

"You're here to tell me I've lost a lot. Friends, family, all for this. Waiting for a vengeance that I will never get." I spat, understanding what she was saying to me, understanding that if I did this, I'd be throwing away my hope for revenge.

"They can all die! I don't care who kills them." But that was a lie, and she knew it. "If we die, so does Annabeth. And Percy, and Grover. And millions of others. Is your revenge worth that? "YES!" I wanted to scream, but couldn't.

Percy Jackson Series. Annabeth Chase X Male Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now