I Get Locked in the Car

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(Y/N)'s POV

As the flame consumed me, the final word of my insult died in my throat and I found myself on the inside of a limousine. Instantly I reached for the door to escape, only for them to lock. "Look this way for me (Y/N)." I just tried harder to escape, shouting to be let out.

"You're being very rude (Y/N), I know you're upset with me, but there is no need for that language, it is unbecoming of a gentleman-" "I'm not a gentleman-" I said, not looking her way and trying to find an escape route.

"We can fix that later dear, not to worry. Clothes make a man" She promised, I glared around the room, "Stop quoting Mark Twain and let me go!" I shouted, annoyed that I knew the quote, it bubbled up into my head.

She frowned at me, "Actually dear, I was thinking older, Shakespeare actually, 'apparel oft proclaims the man' But that works too." I scoffed, "You, Shakespeare? What is he back in fashion now or something?"

"My dear I think you'll find that he never went out of fashion, every young romantic wishes for a Romeo to their Juliet or vice versa, personally I'm more a 'The Tempest' girl. But as I was saying, please look at me."

I was undeterred and unwilling to acknowledge the other presence in the limo, I shook the door furiously, more to relieve frustration then anything else. "I just want to talk dearest." Said the sickly sweet voice in my ear.

Glaring at it's owner and wishing to cut this short, I simply said. "Well I don't. Bye." I tried to rip the door from it's hinges, but the metal refused to budge, even with all my strength and all my magic.

"I know you don't want to see me after what happened. But if you would just let me know you're doing well once and a while. It would ease my mind." She said in that tone that means she's pretending to care all of a sudden.

"I was doing a lot better before you forced me into this limo, thanks for asking. Bye." I said as I tried to shadow travel out of the vehicle, using all my effort, not caring where I ended up as long as it wasn't here.

But my body wouldn't budge, it was like this limo was it's own space in the world, locked off from everything else, quite literally. I looked out the window and saw nothing, just a void, and I knew it wasn't just the tint of the windows.

"You've grown up so fast dear." Aphrodite said as she looked me up and down. "I fear a little too fast for your own good." She frowned. "Yeah? Who's fault is that?" I glared at her, she moved on quickly.

"Is there anything you need from me?" She asked, pressing her perfectly manicured nails into mine, "Anything at all, feel free to ask." "Free Annabeth." Was the first thought I had. She frowned a little.

"Shoot. I was hoping you wouldn't ask that. It's a bit of a tricky thing to do right now." "Tell me where she is and I'll get her myself." She winced a little, "See that's why it's tricky..." She trailed off, and I knew she wouldn't tell me.

So I asked for the next best thing I could think of, something she could do without a thought. "Make it stop." I said with a glare, her expression dropped, she expected that too I see.

"Make what stop?" She asked innocently. I slammed my fist into the seat, "Don't play with me! Make it stop!" "And why would I do that dear?" "Because it puts her in danger." She shrugged, waving it off. "I can't do it."

"Yes you can!" She hummed at me, "Yes, I can, but I won't, it's good for you, gets some blood pumping through your veins, I mean look how far you've come just to find her. Fighting the god of war himself for her sake."

"That wasn't for her sake, that was because he's a disgusting pile of filth who deserves so much worse then what I did to him outside." She didn't argue, but just shrugged and went back to pushing back her cuticles.

Percy Jackson Series. Annabeth Chase X Male Reader Storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें