I Take A Dam Tumble

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(Y/N)'s POV

I sat in my room for far longer then was healthy, waiting for Bianca to call on me, and debating my new course of action and if it would even work, I'm sure it wouldn't go as planned. I'd need a miracle for it to work, but my mind was made up.

Nemesis had gotten it in my head, and I knew she'd love for me to pull it off just to stick it to my father, so maybe I'd have luck on my side, all I had to do now was wait for the final few lines of the prophecy to come.

In the meantime, I sat and meditated, something I didn't do often, since it was hard for me to sit still, I focused on Annabeth, trying to make a connection with her. I had never thought of doing it before, but in my head it would work similarly to how gods spoke to their kids, or that weird BFF thing Grover and Percy had.

As I closed my eyes I saw the darkness behind my eyelids and focused on them, like they were a map on a wall, and tried to find the soul in the darkness, Annabeth's, trying to make some sort of connection.

I called out her name in the dark, trying to find her soul, hoping she would respond, and to my amazement, I did find her soul. But it was like she was caught in a sandstorm, there were too many things between us.

I tried to stretch my soul, as weird as that sounded, I imagined it was just like a shadow, a half gaseous form that was a little more malleable then normal souls, so I stretched it to it's limit to reach out to my friend.

"ANNABETH!" I shouted as a billowing coil of smoke took her form, it turned to me, "(Y/N)?" said Annabeth's tired, voice, sounding only a small part better then in Percy's dreams. I cut to the chase, not knowing how long I could hold this up.

You know like in a dream, when you know it's going to end before the good part, but you still hold onto hope you'll get to see the end, until you wake up? That was like this, only I was a lot madder because there were stakes behind it.

"Where are you?" I asked desperately, but she seemed too exhausted to even answer, maybe she thought I was a hallucination, she just repeated my name one more time, "Don't worry! Just hang on a bit longer, I'm coming for you, I promise-" and that was when it cut off.

A voice in my room had shocked me into opening my eyes, "I can't believe...I'm saying this...but at times like...these you need...to take action...sleep isn't...the right...-" and he was asleep.

"You idiot! I was so close!" I shouted, startling him awake. He shrugged, "She needed...rest...so she doesn't...die...sorry...but her soul...isn't as strong...as yours..." I slumped my shoulders, it was hard to be mad at his reasoning.

Suddenly he was barged out of the way by something small, we both looked very confused by what we saw, but apparently Hypnos coming into my room meant anyone doing it was free game, at least in Eris's mind. In the form of a child, one of her new favourites, she shouted at me "Lets play, lets play! LETS PLAY PLAY PLAY!"

I sighed, "You do realise that you are not an actual child right?" I asked her. She frowned at me, "You don't know what I am! I am everything! I'm a tiger, and a giraffe! I'm Nothing! I do what I want! And I want to play!" "You try too hard..." I muttered under my breath.

Eris pouted, and normally pouting is not a dangerous thing, but when she did it, and her smile dropped, it was bad news, my whole room shook, she looked like she was about to stomp her foot angrily when I relented, figuring it was a way to kill time.

After what felt like hours lazing about in my room, I decided to do something productive with my time, and that is how I ended up playing catch with Cerberus and Eris. Though calling it catch my have been generous.

Percy Jackson Series. Annabeth Chase X Male Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now