I Declare War

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(Y/N)'s POV

I couldn't think, breathe, see or feel. No thoughts drummed in my head, I didn't know what had happened or was happening. The only feeling I had was gold ichor coating my hands, and a weight resting in my grip.

A god's blood stained his throne, shadows wrapped around him before they were even fresh enough to drip, as I drew more power into myself, I had my first thought since the nightmare had passed.

"How had this happened?" I wondered as I looked down to see the head of the king of the gods resting in the palms of my hand, before being swallowed up by the all encompassing shadow around me that threatened to tear the world apart.

It was almost too painful to remember, it was like recalling a nightmare, part of it were fractured, nothing ever quite join up the same, but the feeling was still there, the fear and panic and hatred was still there. I remembered that they had reacted first.

Gods tended to move and react to things a lot faster than mortals did, even demigods. As my mother's soul was swept up by a wisp of smoke. The full might of Olympus fell upon it. Arrows flew, tridents lunged, lightning crackled. But nothing could react fast enough.

Bronze clattered against the floor, causing great ravines to form within the surface of the throne room, arrows imbedded themselves into the pillars of marble around us, bright flashes of power filled the room.

As the power of the gods flew through the air, some of it was directed towards me as the smoke flowed in front of me, intentionally maybe, but I didn't care.

In a funny moment of irony, It was only now she was gone that I realised why my mother had been scared of thunder and lightning, it wasn't for her sake, she wasn't afraid of it herself, she was scared of what it might do to me.

Lightning struck me, not the full force of the blast, just the aftermath of the power Zeus had released flowing through the air. It should have killed me. However, I was too devastated to die immediately.

The last image of my mother was one that ingrained itself into my memory forever, it was of her smiling as it took her, a sad smile. Her lip quivered as she said that final word to me. "Goodbye."

I was dazed, a numbness spread over me, I didn't understand what this was, even as my fathers scythe slashed into the mist before it faded into the air, I just couldn't understand anything I was seeing.

Who would do this, why would this happen. How did she know that it would and why did she allow it to? I didn't have time to process these questions. I was shaken out of my shock.

It was a scream that took me out of the moment, an ear splitting, gut wrenching cry of "NO!" from Aphrodite, as if she had ever cared about my mother, as if she had payed any attention to her.

I was sure I was dreaming, none of this made sense, I know that demigods generally didn't live happy lives, every demigod did. But surely this couldn't be real. This couldn't be what the fates, or whoever it was governed this mess, had decided for me.

It was a work of fiction that I had made up in my head. There was no way any of this would ever be real. It was too unbelievable to ever be real, Thalia Grace returning from the dead was one thing, but now this had all become a fever dream that had faded into a nightmare.

There was no way that my mother's soul had just been taken. Not after everything I had done. Sure some of the gods didn't like me, and I was disrespectful at times, but none of them would have orchestrated this, for any reason.

As I watched my very purpose for being here, the one person I loved most in the world be swept away by an unknown entity, something came to mind, "To defy fate, your first love shall fade." Rung the words of the oracle.

Percy Jackson Series. Annabeth Chase X Male Reader StoryDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora