I Watch The Plan Fail

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(Y/N)'s POV

Once you start thinking of the gods as people, they lose some of their wonder, and in my case, they no longer frighten you. This is true in almost all cases, but most of all for death, I had always known death to be a person, that's why I knew I could beat it.

People can be beaten, people make mistakes, they weren't unstoppable forces of nature, even when they ascend to godhood. As much as it disgusted me to know, I think Sisyphus was one of the only mortals to ever truly understand that in the old times.

A god was more fallible once they were given a face and a personality, they were no longer a force that couldn't be controlled or reasoned with, they became something lesser, more human. Not that it meant they were without their dangers.

I don't fear war because I have fought the god of war, I don't fear thunder because I've fought the god of the skies. So I wasn't afraid that I couldn't beat my father, because I was his son. But for a brief moment, I thought he was right.

While I was falling, I could feel it, the life fading from my friend, and I knew I might fail to stop it, just as I had last time. I didn't think I had the time or the power to make a difference this late into the prophecy, I was certain my father was right, they can't be stopped.

But I owed it to my friend Zoe and everything she had done for me to try, I owed it to Bianca, who had died to get us here to try, so her sacrifice might mean something more then what she expected, so I fell back on my last resort, my final plan.

I never wanted to be in this situation, I never wanted to have to get here, I hoped I could stop Atlas from delivering that blow, or help Zoe beforehand, but I was wrong, so I had to use drastic measures.

Nemesis's plan was fresh in my mind, what she whispered to me from a time that felt like forever ago, when I was grieving a loss, at my lowest, she offered me a plan that gave me hope to avoid repeating history, at the cost of something powerful.

"There is one way...My brother is death incarnate, born of the night like we all were, but he is missing something we all possess. Life. His nature means that no life is within him, now or ever. Yes, he can be bound, yes, he can be contained, but never truly stopped."

"He was created this way by Lady Nyx and Erebus, he is a being of true darkness, so he shall never truly tire, never truly fade, or feel like the rest of us. It was so he could never be hindered in his duties. But what if he could?"

"Thanatos is made strong by the absence of life within him, so to weaken him, you have to impart life into him, because then it could be taken, it could be stopped, with a great surge of power, you could flip the switch."

"He would be just like all of us. If you give your father some mortality, you would bind him to the rules that beings like you and me are bound to, you could stop any death." She explained it as if it was levelling the playing field, she was the goddess of balance after all.

I resisted at first, "That's insane, the world would become utter chaos, if there was no death there couldn't be true life." But she reassured me otherwise, "That's the beauty of it kid, your father would recover, in the end, the death he would emit would outlast the life."

"And everything would return to normal!" I said, she nodded, "And in the meantime, you get to save your friends, and stick it to your old man, two birds one stone. Pretty genius if I do say so myself." She had boasted.

Here's the thing, it was genius, when I was distraught, when I was angry and upset, but thinking about it now, I was reluctant to even try, if this went wrong even slightly the world would be all but destroyed.

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