The Ghost Rejects Me

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(Y/N)'s POV

Smoke filled my eyes, I was disoriented, I heard groans, screams, and a loud buzzing noise, I felt like I was really far away from the world around me, the sound around me was all wrong, like a warbling noise.

I coughed up something that I think was a mix of blood and dust and the world focused in front of my eyes. I was lying on my back, the stars above me were burning into my eyes, like a spotlight, I sat up, forcing myself to attention.

Bad idea, like a boxer standing up too quickly after being knocked down, I just tumbled to my knees. There was movement all around me, the first voice I heard was one yelling "SCATTER!" As I recovered, I saw why.

The whole street had became chaos, a full scale battle had broken out between the two sides, I watched as Hunters of Artemis shot arrows into the air as they retreated to get more range, sons and daughters of Athena were already scrambling to form a defensive line.

Some of the fighters were separated, and soon found themselves engulfed in a mass of shadow, I looked around and saw Percy slashing away at something like a demon, I found Annabeth lying on the ground a few metres away from me.

I went to crawl towards her on my hands and knees, batting smoke from my face and holding onto Glimmer as I did in case I was attacked, but I was so disoriented, I almost didn't see it in front of me, the floor beneath me almost crumbled and I paused.

As I looked across at the point where the impact had landed. Where the whip of stars had fallen to earth, I admit I thought the situation was hopeless. In the ground beside me was the aftermath of the strike I had tried to defend against.

It was like someone had opened up a fissure in the street, a jagged line of earth had been torn apart, like a scar on the surface of the world, so deep that I couldn't see the bottom, and out from it poured shadow after shadow in the form of monsters.

They clawed their way out of the ravine and screeched horrifically, Annabeth was on the other side of the gap to me, it wasn't far across, maybe a few feet, I could probably jump it, I stood up to prepare myself for a jump, not knowing if my wings were damaged.

I looked around to see that almost every demigod was either on the floor like me, knocked into the air by the impact or on their feet fighting against the wave off shadow that spawned from the earth. Speaking of which, as I got my feet stable under me, I was swarmed.

Shadows rushed at me, faces of monsters and people all grabbing and pulling at me like I was a thanksgiving wishbone, sending me closer and closer to pit. I slashed at a few and they disappeared back into the hole they had literally crawled out of.

Individually, they were weak together they became a problem, just their sheer numbers were meant to overwhelm us. As I tore through more, my legs were seized and then my arms, one began clawing at my face.

I lashed out with a wave of shadow from the night, but the creatures seemed unaffected, strengthened even, with a horrible chitter that sounded like laughter I was dragged closer and closer to the pit.

I tried to focus, ripping my arms free of one shadow I forced my palm into the face of another, ready to drain it of life, but nothing happened, just as it had before with Zoe my powers seemed to be gone.

Either these things had no power of their own,  or I was right and my powers themselves were being messed with. I saw an unfortunate camper get dragged into the pit from my periphery, and that only inspired me to fight harder.

Looking into the faces of my attackers, I tried to study them in order to work out how to best deal with them. But as I fought to struggle free, I figured out what was attacking us, as I saw Percy wrestling with a shadow that inexplicably had snakes for hair.

Percy Jackson Series. Annabeth Chase X Male Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now