We Have a Séance Using Barbecue

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(Y/N)'s POV

"I suck so much! Thalia was right!" I complained, slamming my fist against the hard Texas dirt in this barn, what was wrong with me? I just keep losing! Something was wrong with me and it wasn't just this stupid injury! "I'm so frustrated."

I slammed a fist into the dirt and punched a wall. You could call it a tantrum, but that would be immature. I was alone in the barn, which I had just been knocked through, so in my eyes it was just a way I was working off some stress.

I was so close, it would have been so cool. But I tripped at the final hurdle. All my planning was wasted. Not that I was truly upset, my friends were in a much safer scenario now, and that was a win in my book, it was just that I had mixed emotions.

I sat down and thought about it. Part of me couldn't care less, but there was another part of me that just felt so unsatisfied with this ending, it was supposed to be my big return to form and now the moment had passed I felt like I'd be stuck in this slump forever.

What slump you ask? Let's run down the list why don't we? I lost Nico at the Parthenon to Minos, then I lost to Kampe in the Labyrinth, I even lost to the camp half blood losers who jumped me, that should have been easy! They were red shirts.

Hera made me look like an idiot, I basically beat myself when I fought Eurytion and now I get beaten by a guy wearing three aprons and cowboy boots...what was my life coming to? I wasn't used to this. It sucked! Is this what Alabaster felt like all the time? That poor soul.

Losing wasn't just terrible because it felt bad, it was because I had conditioned myself not to lose. For my most formative year, I wasn't permitted to lose. I still felt weird about it. I thought I'd grown out of it, but I guess not.

It was like the feeling of waiting to eat your favorite snack all day, just to find out that someone else ate it while you were out. All that anticipation was for nothing. Before I could fall into the pits of despair, the door creaked open.

Annabeth peered in, as we locked eyes she grinned at me, "You done feeling sorry for yourself in here?" She asked as if she had read my mind, "Uhhh...no." I recovered quickly, as she walked over to me and helped me up. "Well hurry it up, we haven't got all day."

"You should have told me you were going to attack him, I thought you were going to set us all free first." I shrugged, not really wanting a lecture right now, "I had to improvise, and Percy showed up, so I had all the backup I needed."

"(Y/N) (L/N), you are utterly hopeless." She said, making that song from Grease get stuck in my head. She looked me over for any injuries, "You look fine." "Always do." I smirked, "Okay, we need to get you checked for a concussion." Her hands traced over my chest.

I flinched when she did, a small frown appeared on her face, "I thought the rivers would heal it." I was confused, breaking the silence she said "Clarisse told me what you were doing for Chris before we left, when I came to her for last minute tips on navigation."

"I'd never seen her so happy. I thought the River of Fire would heal you." I shrugged, "It did, then my beloved family member unhealed me. But sorry, I don't know what you're talking about, I don't know a Chris." She nodded, "Of course you don't."

She began to sound angry as she asked me, "Why do you always do this? Act like you don't care about us. Like we're so beneath you that helping us is nothing?" I raised an eyebrow. "Us?" She frowned at me.

She took a breath and said, "What I'm getting at is, why do you constantly put yourself in danger for others, but reject our help at every turn?" I scoffed, "It's called being selfless." "It's called being self righteous..." She half whispered.

Percy Jackson Series. Annabeth Chase X Male Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now