The Elevator Ride is Lonely

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(Y/N)'s POV

As perfect as a person may be, god, demigod, or mortal, everyone is going to have a moment in their life, be it by their own doing, or going along with someone else, that makes them finally realise that they screwed up, simple as that.

Us demigods dealt with this feeling a lot, when you accidentally kill your first maths teacher with a vigorous handshake and they turn out to be a monster, accidentally traumatise your neighbour by showing them their dead dog, or accidentally make napalm in your science class during a lecture, it just happened.

But usually, these incidents were embarrassing, or not as dangerous as they sounded, and could in most cases be forgiven, however, today, in this very moment, I knew I would never forgive myself. The gasp of air as I let go is what shook me awake.

That was the moment in my eyes that Lou Ellen Blackstone became Annabeth Chase, it was the moment that I realised how wrong I was about everything, the first time I saw the cloak of shadow that had overtaken me, and noticed the hooded robe seemed to be slowly crawling over my skin.

All I needed now was a scythe and I'd be the grim reaper incarnate, my true nature had overwhelmed me at a vulnerable time, when my state of mind was in tatters, but that didn't mean I forgave myself.

I still remembered doing it, I had no reason or motive, but I did it. And while yes, I did think the influence of Nyx's blood played a part, it wasn't the driving force in that moment. I could still feel it gripping at my chest.

The monster that Nyx said was destined to come from me had finally come out, finally waking, even if it was only for a few minutes. And the worst thing was, despite all the chaos and torment I had caused my friends. I liked it.

The feeling of freedom, of strength I got from it, not caring what I killed as long as I got to do the killing, it was amazing. Even now, I had to fight with myself not to move on and keep attacking. That however, was a very easy fight to win.

That momentary noise of fear from one of the only people I truly loved left in the world was all I needed to stop fighting with myself, my two natures blending into one. The urge to kill and the urge to protect the thing I loved merged like two crashing waves and became the urge to save.

I saw Annabeth fall, closer and closer to certain doom, I saw my friends beneath her, and for a second, I feared I would be too late. But with the shadow of the cloak around me, just like I had for the past few minutes, I acted on instinct, only reaction.

I knew I wasn't fast enough to catch up to her. That was the only thing that passed though my mind, my eyes flickered and burned in pain, my mind racing faster then ever, so fast I can't even say I formed a conscious thought, only a reaction to the scenario.

I was going to shadow travel beneath her, but it was too slow, by the time my form became corporeal, she would be painting sidewalk. I needed something faster, and I didn't know anything faster, at least consciously.

In moments like those, when it was literally do or die, sometimes, my body seemed to react before my brain did, now was one of those times, I felt something in my palm and just acted. Even now, at the absolute peak of my strength, my arm extended so harshly I felt the muscles tear as I did, because my body was inconsequential right now.

I didn't wait for it to begin, I flew forwards so fast my wings felt like they were tearing from my body, something even slashed my arm, but I didn't have time to focus on that. In fact I didn't have time to do anything, except save Annabeth.

Percy's POV

"Annabeth!" I screamed as I saw her drop, her arms flailing helplessly, I dared not to blink, knowing that time was the only thing stopping disaster, I whistled for Blackjack, or any of the pegasi to come and help, though I knew that not even they were that fast.

Percy Jackson Series. Annabeth Chase X Male Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now