We Kill the Son of Poseidon

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(Y/N)'s POV

The horrible nightmare that my body and mind had been subjected to was finally over, I was waking up, the sensation of falling had obviously awoken me from the nightmare, it would be the next day.

I told myself that I would awaken to the scent of strawberries, to the giggling of nymphs, that I would walk up to half blood hill to see the tree, unchanged and lifeless. But I would still talk to it.

That I would have breakfast with Annabeth before I headed off to Olympus to collect my true reward for loyal service. I told myself that the world wasn't as cruel as I had dreamt it up to be.

I woke up in the cold, wind rushed past me, stinging my eyes, the smell of blood and sweat was in the air. As I moved my body protested, every breath I took hurt.

My back was killing me, it was like someone had strapped lead weights on me while I slept and then beat them into my back with a jackhammer.

My waking eyes looked up at the night and only the stars seemed to be in focus, and for a brief, slim moment of bliss, I had forgotten. I had forgotten all about my betrayal at the hands of Olympus.

A second passed, and within it, I didn't recall the smoke that had swept through my life like a hurricane and torn my world apart. But eventually, the feeling faded and reality was clear to me.

Despite my every wish, and how hard I fought to believe otherwise, I knew that it wasn't a dream, it was real, it had happened, all of it.  But my body was still rejecting it.

My heart was broken, literally, not a single beat could be felt, if I wasn't in so much pain, I would have feared that the Olympians had killed me. It was like my body was rejecting that this was real.

Like if my heart beat one more time then I was truly alive and had to deal with this all coming to pass. I didn't know how to feel, how to react, how to live going forward. It hadn't hit me yet.

My emotions were being dulled by the lack of life in my chest, I was cold as ice to the touch, there were only two emotions left in me, though others were slowly taking their place too.

I had a sense of longing, it was deep within the core of me, but not only my longing for my mother, my longing for retribution was at an all time high, I didn't care if this was a dream or reality, I was going to get my retribution, or I would die in the process.

The other emotion was probably the only thing fueling me right now. My anger burned brighter then anything, I was ready for war, I was ready to kill every god that got in my way until I got my mother back, but at the same time, I knew I couldn't, not yet.

"Oh you. You're finally awake." Said a voice from the front of the chariot. "Oh no." I thought before my vision came into focus. I had feared I had been captured, or that I had stumbled into an ambush of some kind.

I suddenly remembered how I got here, and why my back hurt so much, I got to my feet, looking behind us, expecting to see the gods of Olympus. "They would not dare come here. Even the gods know to fear the dark." The familiar voice said.

Shivers ran up my spine, followed by pain, a lot of pain ran up my spine too. I turned to the front of the chariot, which was a lot bigger and much grander then my previous one, what I saw put me a little more at ease, and I do mean, a little.

It wasn't every day you woke up to a forty-foot-tall woman with a whip made out of stars as you ride through the air on a ginormous chariot with the night on your back, pulled by vampire horses. So I may have been a little concerned.

If I wasn't so used to my own aura, and the aura that my father had, I might have panicked a little more, to the point of debating if a swan dive from this height was a better alternative.  Luckily for me, it was familiar enough that a small part of me felt safe here.

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