I Escape the Unescapable Darkness

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(Y/N)'s POV

As Nyx told me the hopelessness of the situation, my happy mood began to dwindle, despite how proud I was at my recent accomplishment, this place seemed to suck all the joy out of the moment, and right then, I felt so...done.

I looked around and saw nothing but darkness, it seemed unending, there were no walls or ceilings around us, nor any floor, we seemed to both be floating in space, but beneath my feet there was a surface. As I took a step it formed beneath me, like a platform.

It was familiar, in a nightmarish sort of way, memories that were best forgotten played at my mind, but I kept calm, keeping an ear out for any sounds that might alert me to my true location, I realised there weren't any, it was dead silent, so much so I could only hear myself breathe.

I couldn't smell and thing either, and despite it being a little gross, I licked my finger, nothing, no taste, no sweat or anything...this was like the sensory deprivation tank from hell. So most sensory deprivation tanks in my opinion.

We were between shadows again, I knew that much, but I didn't know how, I hadn't shadow travelled, I hadn't even used any shadow in the past few minutes, I had spent all of my energy on returning Zoe. I just hoped this time I'd make it out of here without being skinned alive.

The only thing I saw in front of me was the 40 foot psychopath blocking my path, there was nothing behind her, just more emptiness as far as the eye could see, It was the only sense I still had that was unimpeded.

I looked at Nyx as she readied her whip and in that moment I made a decision, after running through everything I could do to get out of this, and finding no solution, I gave in to my other urges.

With a deep sigh that eventually became a yawn, I just sat down on the surface beneath me, crossing my legs and closing my eyes, drawing in a deep breath, I finally spoke. "ARE YOU KIDDING ME!"

"Once...just once in my miserable life...can you just give me a break!" I shouted at nobody, Nyx seemed both confused and intrigued, I sighed, "It's just one fight, to the next fight, to a near death experience and then guess what? ANOTHER FIGHT!"

"Even if we ignore the beginning of the week, lets do a checklist of my favourites shall we?" I asked the people who weren't here, the fates or whoever it was that took such joy in tormenting me when there are probably millions more demigods to share in the suffering with.

"I skated down the Hoover Dam, then got slapped in the mouth by a monument, gun butted in the side of the head, twice. I got snapped in half by a titan, which is not as fun as it sounds. Then I fight my friends under mind control and almost drown doing so-"

Nyx looked befuddled, "-you do not have to report to me now (Y/N), your father has-" "-I'm not talking to you!" I snapped, ranting even further, I'm sure to the amusement of the fates, who will never let me have even a moment's peace.

"Then I get hit by a car. Lift up the sky and throw it, fight a legendary monster, who has never been beaten by a hero, not even by the biggest douchebag in Greek history, without a scratch might I add.-" I began pacing.

"-Then I preformed a feat of magic never seen before and, after scattering the essence of a god, return a two thousand year old soul to a new body, that I had to suffer through the pain of being pulled apart by thousands of souls to get, and after all that, if that wasn't enough, I have to deal with this?"

"CAN I NOT JUST HAVE A BREAK FOR ONCE!" I let out a scream of frustration. Before resigning myself to whatever I would have to do next, I looked at my grandmother and shrugged. She stared at me ready for a fight.

"Whatever you are going to do to me, can you just get on with it. Rip my arms off, pull my head off or whatever it is that you had planned. I'm too tired to fight you right now, so what's even the point? I've been fighting all day, no all week even, and I'm tired, so just get on with it."

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