The Statues Aren't Very Musical

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(Y/N)'s POV

"We come in peace?" I tried. "No chance." Ethan seethed, raising his sword to give the order to fire. Then I thought, "How the hell did you sneak up on us?" I looked around at the telkhines, "How did you all sneak up on us?"

"We aren't that dumb right?" I asked Clovis, he shrugged, nodding off already. As the telkhines snarled, their arrows fully extended, That said, "I think that's a matter of perspective." And lowered his sword, with a chilling sound of arrows being loosed, the world went quiet.

There was a brief second of quiet before it was broken by a tired voice, "Hey. You...mist..." Clovis smirked, as we appeared a few feet behind Ethan, and he glared down at the false copies Clovis had made while we were talking.

I chuckled and high fived him, "Nice" I said as the telkhines caught on and turned to us, terrified and trying desperately to draw new arrows before we prepared our counterattack, unlucky for them, Clovis had that covered too, and not only did they fall asleep, but they dropped their weapons, and then fell asleep, landing with a 'Crunch!'

I wiped the Telkhines away with a shadow, they didn't even feel it, which I thought was a little too much mercy to dish out to them personally, but I didn't think much of it, instead turning my attention to Ethan. He looked between us, then to Clovis.

"You're with him? After he abandoned you at the camp, after everything he's taken from us." I raised an eyebrow, "What have I ever taken from you guys?" Clovis snored, but then elaborated.

"Attention, know. Things children care about..." I clapped my hand over my mouth, "ohhhh....Dam." Looking to Ethan for a response. He just raised his sword and said "I'm a general of Kronos's army, I'm respected by my peers and feared by my enemies."

"And I did that alone-" "Well...With your mother's help-" I added, he snarled at me, "You're not one to talk (Y/N), the only reason you even survived this war for as long as you have is because of you're father."

I shrugged, "Can't argue with that. So are you going to listen to us now?" I asked. hopping this would be easy, but anyone who knew Ethan knew he was as stubborn and as prideful as they come. It must run in the family, because he just charged at us, I looked at Clovis, waiting for Ethan to take a power nap.

But he just shook his head, it was only now that I realized how exhausted he looked, tricking Ethan's eyes...eye...putting all those telkhines and the giant to sleep must have been his limit. I turned back and barely scraped a dodge from Ethan's swing. "Don't...kill...him..." Clovis said before falling backwards and snoring loudly before he even hit the ground.

Ethan kicked me in the chest and before I could recover, began to advance, protected by his thick armour and flashy sword, I remembered our last fight, and my thought about how if the situation was right, Ethan could beat me.

I hoped that wasn't today, and I hoped Clovis was talking to me before his nap, but with the first ten seconds of this fight being as one sided as it was, I wasn't hopeful. And Ethan clearly saw the hesitation in my eyes.

"Scared? You should be." I scoffed, "I'm not scared of you Ethan, you're about as intimidating as a bag of kittens." He glared at me, "So why do you need my help?" "Bro at this point, I don't even know, I'm just going along with it."

I lowered my weapon, sheathing my defence against him, and trying this again, "Ethan, all of this, getting swept up with Kronos. It's not your-" I had to jump backwards to avoid getting my throat cut. Ethan screamed in frustration.

"I just don't understand it, how can you be such a child. Don't you know what's coming!" He said as I dodged another strike, "Don't you know what's at stake!" I slipped into his blind spot and hit him in the liver.

Percy Jackson Series. Annabeth Chase X Male Reader StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora