We All Hunt Vampires

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(Y/N)'s POV

"Huh, that's a really cool view. It really does feel like the end of the universe." I looked over the LA cityscape, "If you were into all that museum stuff, do you think this would be a cool place to go?" I asked.

"I don't know!" Nico shouted at me, I frowned at him, "No need to be rude, it was just a question." "Aren't you going to...I don't know...HELP ME?" He whined as the Mormo's fangs almost took a chunk out at him.

A woman, who we had found disguised as a nurse, had been following us for a while, probably attracted to the aura that one of the Big three's kids gave off, and the fact he was still a young boy sweetened the deal too.

Once we had captured her, she had turned, going from a normal looking nurse in her mid twenties to an pale and sickly looking overweight monster who had liver spots all over her body. And that wasn't even mentioning the four inch fangs or the claws.

I browsed a menu and tried to see if the prices were reasonable at the 'Café at the End of the Universe' beside the Griffith Observatory, but try as I might it was all just a bunch of squiggles and the pictures weren't much help either.

I looked over the top of my menu as the Mormo that followed us in here was trying to hack and slash her way through Nico, he was doing a respectable job parrying and his footwork was good, but I could tell he was getting frustrated, and not just with the faux vampire.

"Do you need help?" I asked, willing to give it if he needed, but he just sighed, "No...but this would be so much easier if-" "-I'm not letting you use magic, no matter how much you beg, you need to focus on other things first."

As she charged again, with surprising spryness for her build, Nico pressed his blade against her claws as she lashed out once more, giving her a small cut on her palm, she backed up, screeching at us, she seemed to weigh her options.

She looked to me, then Nico, and finally her eyes fell upon the sword Nico held in his hand. She cut her losses at that point, or at least tried to. She got on all fours and jumped away like a frog, clearly hoping to outrun us.

Sighing, I put down my menu and raised a hand to stop her, one of Scylla's shadowy heads shot out of my palm and latched onto the monsters calf, dragging her back towards us as she flailed and screamed at the sight of Nico's sword.

"So I can't use magic to kill it, but you can use magic to stop her from running? That doesn't make any sense!" Nico moaned, "Well, I'm not the one who needs to learn how to use a sword, so in a way, it makes perfect sense." I said.

With a scream of anger and frustration, followed by one swing of his new sword, Nico turned to glare at me through the sulphurous dust forming between us, I rolled my eyes, "Careful there Di Angelo, we still haven't tested if your looks could kill. Good job trying though."

Furrowing his brow he muttered, "I wish..." "What was that?" I challenged, "I wish you'd just let me try using my real magic! Just once, I don't see why I have to even follow your orders" Then he seemed to come to a conclusion, gasping to himself.

"You won't teach me magic because you're afraid I'll become stronger then you!" He accused, "No Nico, I won't teach you magic because it's a crutch." He glared at me, "All you ever teach me is how to swing a sword, but I don't care about that, it's easy!"

"And you claim to be helping me with my sword skills, but you haven't sparred with me once!" "I know, that's the next step after this one." I said, he pouted, "Then when are we getting to magic and summoning?"

I shrugged "That depends on you, when you're confident enough with a sword, we can move on." He pointed to the smouldering remains of the monster, "I beat that thing in one strike."

Percy Jackson Series. Annabeth Chase X Male Reader StoryKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat