The Benefits of The Worlds Worst Sauna

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(Y/N)'s POV

By the time we had reached our destination, everything had changed, the shadows around me seemed to separate from my body, the body I was once trapped in began to loosen up. At first I had no clue why, until we felt the ground beneath us and I saw the black slate rock of the underworld around me.

My father wasn't in front of me, but behind me, his hands hovering over my shoulders, my mind couldn't help but feel drawn to the same feeling of Nyx towering over me from behind last time we spoke.

But he didn't seem malicious, the opposite in fact, the shadows that were attached to me were being taken by him, almost accumulated into the shroud of darkness that he wore as he eased my pain and gave me back control.

But that also meant that the bear hug that Eris held me in got tighter and tighter, as my strength decreased, for some reason she wasn't making me any stronger with her touch. "Let...go..." I croaked out as I felt my ribs touch my spine.

She snorted in laughter and said "You sound like Hypnos." With a 'Pop' of streamers and some confetti, she was gone. I turned to my father, "What's going on? What are we doing?" I asked. So relieved that I could move around again.

"I have to get back to the bridge, I have to help my friends!" I insisted, beginning to shadow travel, but with his hand on my shoulder, my father purged me of the magic I was trying to build up.

Then my heart sank, my mouth ran dry "You don't understand, Annabeth! I have to-" My father spoke over me, "Once more my child, we are trying to change your fate, before it consumes you, as we have tried to do many times before."

"What?" I asked. "Right now, despite what you may think of yourself, we do not need the child who struggles to control his demons. We need the boy who fought the king of the gods, the boy who held up the sky, the man who held Olympus hostage with words alone."

"I don't know what-" "Only he can survive. We must try once more, I am sorry this has happened (Y/N), but I think now is the best time for what we are about to do." "What in Hades are you talking about?" I screamed at him, still shaking with anger. "We have tried this before and failed. Because we had the wrong approach."

"As much as I dislike Lord Hades, I do agree that pain can be a great motivator. However, being who I am, I have a different viewpoint on the matter, in my years, I have found that the pain of others is often the greatest motivator for someone."

"WHAT. ARE. YOU. TALKING. ABOUT!" I snapped, he looked at me with concern, and then frustration, but not at me, something else had angered him. At this point I was just confused and tired and worried about Annabeth.

"(Y/N), we have tried this countless times, how are you-." He said, looking at me sadly, then gritting his teeth, "The gods have taken too much from you." For a second his eyes flashed dangerously. I understood, I knew that look, I had forgotten something again.

But then he breathed a sigh and said, "I am sorry to push this onto you so suddenly, it was to my understanding that you would recognize our plan and be happy to participate, knowing the outcome."

"What plan?" I thought as suddenly light invaded my eyes, and I saw our true destination, the river of fire was burning brighter than it ever had before. Bubbling and churning as we approached Eris, who was waiting for us at the banks.

My father said "All your life you have relied on your rage to carry your through your struggles, you use it as a last resort to rely on. But if you are to face what is to come, you can't do that. You haven't the luxury of that safety net."

"If you let that monster out again, Nyx shall bend it to her will, and use it to bring the time of the Olympians to an end. You need to find the point of tranquility in a world of endless rage.-" "So I need to chill out?"

Percy Jackson Series. Annabeth Chase X Male Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now