The Real Games Begin

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(Y/N)'s POV

As fast as the elevator of the gods was, it gave me a lot of time to think. About my past, my future, and the things I had done to get here. I stepped out of it feeling like a new man. The song probably helped a lot. But that wasn't always a good thing.

The whole ride up. I expected to see her, I almost always saw them when I didn't want to, at my weakest, and as the 600 floors towards Olympus ticked down, I'd never felt weaker, I was back in chains.

Chained to my destiny, chained to my death, and for once, I wanted to see a spirit of my friend, I knew Silena would be able to comfort me, and calm me down, she always had. But it never happened, I never saw her.

In my heart I knew she was with Beckendorf, and the two of them were reunited at last, and waiting for me to join them. So when the doors opened and I saw Annabeth, Percy and Grover waiting for me, I felt conflicted.

Because I knew where this would lead me, I knew that at the end of it all I'd leave them behind to pick up the pieces, I knew how that felt, I knew that pain, and nobody deserved it. But what was in motion now was too immense for me to stop.

I didn't want to leave, I didn't want to accept it, I remembered the day that changed my life, how my journey had all started here, it was almost poetic that it was the thing that would carry me to my death too.

I wasn't afraid, anxious, worried, not afraid. As I stepped out I even took one final glance back at the elevator and saw nothing but a mode of transportation, the feeling of fear and finality was gone, it was already too late.

My fate was set in motion, but with it, my plan to leave the world a better place then I found it was clear in my mind, I was ready to face my reaper, because I knew it would be worth the struggle in the end, looking at my friends didn't only fill me with guilt, it filled me with purpose.

With this much to lose, I had to make sure it was worth it, that it meant something, otherwise their loss wouldn't have meant anything in the long run. So I set my plan in motion at the first opportunity. Not to avoid my destiny, just delay it long enough that I could use it at the right time.

The flame in my chest still roiled within me and the pain of my loss was still weighing on my bones, by hades, even my injuries hadn't healed, but I pushed the pain down deep within me, and as the elevators dinged, telling me this was my last stop, I smiled at the people waiting for me.

Despite how painful it was knowing I was looking at all the people I'd leave behind once the war was over. I smiled and looked to Grover, saying, "Wow, I'm going to have that stuck in my head forever now."

It was still awkward to me to even be talking to them after what I just did, I wanted the floor to swallow me up or something, and if the world wasn't literally at stake right now, I doubt I could have faced them at all.

"Seriously, I felt like I was in there for weeks. It was only meant to be a short ride" I stepped onto the aerial walkway. Depressing is not a word that usually describes Mount Olympus, but it looked that way now. It was a concerning thing to see, even the gods were hiding.

No fires lit the braziers. The windows were dark. The streets were deserted and the doors were barred. The only movement was in the parks, which had been set up as field hospitals. Will Solace and the other Apollo campers scrambled around, caring for the wounded.

Naiads and dryads tried to help, using nature magic songs to heal burns and poison. As Grover planted the laurel sapling, Annabeth and I finally got a minute alone as Percy went around trying to cheer up the wounded.

For possibly the ten thousandth time in the past twenty minutes, I apologized for what had happened outside. The change was still fresh in my mind and the sensation that shook me out of it, letting her go, was a feeling I would never forget.

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