I Get Robbed Twice in Broad Daylight

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(Y/N)'s POV

"WOOO!" I said as I landed, "I think that's a new personal best. Told you I could do it!" I pointed to the Ares campers. "Pay up!" They all shouted and groaned, "That's not fair, it got you halfway up! You said you could do it easily."

"Easy and flawlessly are two different things." I smirked, holding out my hand as they passed me their pudding cups. I looked up at the lava on the climbing wall. Yeah, no way in hell I'd do that again. Pudding promises or not.

"25 seconds on the dot." One of them said, holding a stopwatch, "Is that right? Felt faster to me, are you sure you're reading it right?" I asked, he looked offended, "Of course I did!" At that point, we were joined by a familiar face.

"I could beat that easy." Clarisse declared, almost flexing as she crossed her arms, I laughed out loud, "Sure, and I'm Helen of Troy." I laughed as she walked up, confidence written all over her face. "Half your winnings, or I'll get you double."

Knowing there was no way she could ever beat that time, I shook her hand, "Deal." It was only when she tightened her bandana and smiled that I feared I may have been had. She cracked her neck and knuckles, stretched her back and got into a starting position.

"Go!" The second he said it, Clarisse was off, basically supporting her weight on just her arms and using her legs to climb faster she climbed the wall without issue. I was counting the whole way up in my head.

I got to the twenty fifth second just as she hit the ground again, I turned to the camper with the stopwatch, who was staring at it strangely, I smiled. "See, there's no way you could have beaten-" "24.6 seconds." He said in disbelief.

His voice was drowned out by a victorious "HA!" as Clarisse stormed up to me, grinning, "Oh that doesn't count it was by less than a second!" I protested but the others booed me, so I reluctantly handed her half my pudding cups.

"Thank you, Lady Helen" She half bowed and the campers around us all laughed. She split her winnings between her cabinmates, chuckled and started walking back to her cabin with a broad smile on her face. I was just surprised she said thank you.

After I was robbed in broad daylight, Connor ran up to me as I was celebrating, "Chiron's asking for you." He said, I nodded thanking him until I looked down and saw I was two pudding cups short.

"You little..." I looked around to see him about ten feet away. Sprinting down the path laughing to himself. "Someone's getting gravel put in his pillowcase." I shouted after him after he robbed me in broad daylight again.

It was a trek to the big house; not that I even got close to it before the siren went off again. With practiced efficiency, me and the other assault team campers geared up and followed the flare in the sky. "Let's go ladies and gents!" I said as we all donned our armour and picked up our weapons.

It was at the edge of the forest today, a little closer than the last. "GRYPHON!" A camper shouted as he broke the treeline. I paused, is that all, he called us here for one measly Gryphon? The others got in position.

So did I, standing between the two forming squadrons as their respective leaders came to meet in the middle, closing my eyes, I saw it in the bushes. Then I understood. See, monsters don't necessarily have souls that I could see, but the absence of a soul can be just as telling.

As the camper darted for cover and past me, I saw the swirling mass of smoke make up the biggest gryphon I'd seen in my entire life. Crouched low in the forest like it was waiting to pounce. Then, as it saw us all converging, it flew into a tree to gain a better vantage point.

If it weren't for its size, it'd look like a dime a dozen Gryphon, the body of a lion, with the face and feet of an eagle on their front legs, beady red eyes, and a long, sharp beak.

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