I am Denied Shotgun

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(Y/N)'s POV

I awoke with a headache to rival Zeus's the day Athena was born, and when I had the strength to, I opened my eyes to see the point of a spear pressed to my chin. I looked up at the three pairs of eyes looking down at me.

Percy, Zoe and Thalia were all looking down at me, cautious but concerned, I groaned, that really hurt. Zoe was feeding me some ambrosia. I bolted upright and pointed at her accusingly, "YOU HIT ME WITH A CAR!"

"You appeared in the middle of the road, what did you expect me to do? Fly?" She countered, then I realised, I can fly, why didn't I just fly straight up? I sighed, guess it was a deer in headlights scenario.

Forgetting all about the deadly weapon in my face I remembered that we were on quite a tight schedule and hitting me had slowed everything down. "What are you doing, we don't have time for this, Annabeth's in trouble!" I insisted.

"Let's go!" I explained, walking past them while they stared at me and opening the back of their car. They all shared a glance, then followed, Zoe took the drivers seat. "Shotgun!" I called, but she glared at me and  told me I wasn't allowed to call shotgun.

I frowned, "You just ran me over, the least you can do is give me shotgun in the car you just assaulted me with." "I will not have your lecherous eyes on me while I am concentrated on the road."

I nodded, "Yeah, we wouldn't want you to hit any more innocent bystanders." I said as I got in the back. Percy shuffled next to me, which I was happy with, until Thalia squeezed into the car between us instead, not very safe, but it put them at ease. So I forgave it and buckled up.

I was behind the drivers seat, Thalia was rammed into the middle of us, holding her spear to me, and Percy was at the other end. Once we were firmly back on the road Thalia turned to me.

With an evil glance she explained to me, "You make one funny move, or try and attack us again, and It won't end up like last time, you won't get away, I'm not playing around." I sighed, "Is this about that stupid cow?" "Bessie isn't just a stupid cow" Percy pouted

To quell their animosity towards me I spent a majority of our trip explaining where I had been and what had happened when we fought over the Ophiotaurus. I explained that I was tricked using a magical helmet, Percy believed me immediately, the others not so much.

"Seems a little fishy to me." Thalia frowned, but lowered her spear, me and Percy both looked at each other and started chuckling. "Fishy..." Percy wiped a tear from his eye, Zoe sighed, "we are doomed."

After our catch up, Percy held his hand out to me, "Heal yourself. We need you at full strength to save Annabeth." I smiled at the sentiment, that he was wiling to do that for me, but shook my head.

"Not you, her." I said reaching forward into the driver's seat. Trying not to smile at my genius. Zoe hissed in discomfort as I touched her shoulder, not from pin, just because I was touching her she took her eyes off the road for a second as if to say, 'You aren't slick.'

I shrugged, "Bigger supply to take from is all." She kept her eyes on the road for the rest of the trip, not looking at me. We were getting closer and closer to the point of no return. I had to think of something fast.

Zoe weaved in and out of traffic on the Golden Gate Bridge. The sun was sinking on the horizon when we finally got into Marin County and exited the highway. The roads were insanely narrow, winding through forests and up the sides of hills and around the edges of steep ravines.

Zoe didn't slow down at all. "Why does everything smell like cough drops?" Percy asked. "Eucalyptus." Zoe pointed to the huge trees all around us. "The stuff koala bears eat?" "And monsters," she said. "They love chewing the leaves. Especially dragons."

Percy Jackson Series. Annabeth Chase X Male Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now