I Underestimate the Gods Firepower

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(Y/N)'s POV

I turned on my heel, not saying a word, and reached out for the scythe, wrenching it free of the ground and turning back, walking towards Aphrodite as she tried to explain in a worried state. Not that I cared about her explanation.

I was beyond angry right now, angry had left the premises, I was so filled with rage I was almost calm, action was the only thing that seemed appropriate right now. This was all just something I wanted to be over.

As I stepped over to the blade, I flicked my eyes to Geras, hoping that there was some hint of uncertainty in his eyes, that he wasn't absolutely sure of this, but when I looked at his expression of both anger and sadness, I knew that wasn't the case.

From then on, it was like I had tunnel vision, and I was running on autopilot, my body felt numb, as Aphrodite sprang up from her throne and shrank down to her human size, swaying towards me like she was on a runway, all I felt was the cold metal in my palm.

Shadow and death radiated off the blade the moment that I lifted it, and for a second or two, I felt complete, I was sure this was how my father felt whenever he was going to deliver a just or well deserved death.

Looking back, I had never necessarily wanted to kill a god. I felt obligated to do so with Zeus, Artemis and Circe, and I was willing to do so for people like Hades and Ares at first, but this one, this one I had a sick feeling in my stomach for, I knew I was going to enjoy this.

The one person, the one God among Olympus that I trusted was under no suspicion of ever hurting my mother was of course the person who could have done it. The shadow around my heart was working overtime right now.

Not just from stopping my heart, but attempting to stop the power that threatened to spill out at any moment, the anger in my soul was so intense right now that I felt like every breath I took ran the risk of unleashing it.

If I hadn't reached for the scythe at the moment I did, I feared I would have released all my anger in a burst of power, I wasn't sure how my current powers would manifest it, not that it mattered for much longer, Zeus's power was being drained from me by the second.

As I took a step towards her, Aphrodite began trying to plead her case, to my surprise she didn't deny anything, she never called Geras a liar, or try and explain it away really, I imagine that she thought the truth would save her, but I'm not sure even that would be enough.

"I-It's true that I made a deal with your mother...but it's not what you think! It was for you!" She said, filling with more and more panic the closer I got to her, "Let me explain." She said, but I was done talking.

The second that my scythe was in range to her, I ended up swinging it, it was so reactive it might as well have been a reflex, it was like my body knew just how much I didn't care about her explanation.

The weapon weighed nothing in my hands as it cut through the air like hot butter, cutting a slice through the space that was so thin, it was barely there at all. It would have sliced straight through her if someone hadn't intervened.

He couldn't stop the blade once it was in motion, I was unsure if anything truly could, but with brute force, he grabbed the goddess and forced her to take a few steps back, dragging her by the arm.

As the aftermath of the blade's swing cut through the room like an uncaged beast, killing anything it came into contact with, even what seemed like the air around it as shadows and darkness dripped off the blade, I glowered at the person who had dared intervene.

Surprisingly it was not Ares that tried to intervene, but Hephaestus, with surprising strength and speed for the god that everyone considered crippled, he knocked my arm to one side, in an attempt from stopping me swinging again.

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