We Call For Backup

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(Y/N)'s POV

At first, I didn't want to fight Ethan, I didn't see the point, why should I have to go along with Luke's stupid games and his overinflated ego, I know I could beat Ethan, Ethan knew I could beat Ethan, Luke had probably just hyped him up.

I didn't see why I had to waste my energy, true, it was part of my plan to get into the arena, heal myself, and then help Percy and the others escape, perhaps cutting off Luke's pretty little head in the process, but I never planned to actually fight Ethan.

I never had a problem with him, sure we disagreed on things, and when I was a little younger and more temperamental, I might have teased him a little about his eye, but I didn't hate Ethan, despite what he thought, I actually kind of liked him.

I respected him, his drive and ambition, just like he said, he had a goal, just like I did, and for that I commended him, he was in the same boat for me as Clovis, did I want to invite them over for thanksgiving? No. Would I protect them if it came down to it, of course I would.

Sure he betrayed us, but I blamed his mom for that, not him, and who am I to lecture someone about chasing after their mother? And besides, he was family, if you had asked me five minutes ago if I'd have taken a bullet for him, I would have struggled, but I think my answer would have been yes. Even after everything.

But then he had to say it, he just had to mention my mom, and from then on it was different, something changed in my head, the question that was previously, 'How do I make sure I don't have to beat Ethan?' quickly morphed into 'How badly am I going to beat Ethan?'

And as he kept pushing me, and looking at me with that little smirk, thinking he was untouchable behind his flimsy hunks of armor and his new sword, I got my answer, it wasn't an answer I enjoyed, but I found it. Within an inch of his life.

"Hey!" a monster jeered from the stands. "Stop talking and fight already!" The others took up the call. And with that he charged. His sword made him faster then I expected, but not fast enough. I watched his shoulder and timed his blow, slipping underneath it.

With a blow that was close to an overhand right, I countered, digging my blade into his shoulder. I knew the damage would heal the second the blade left him, so when he quickly dislodged the blade, I didn't fuss, because he felt it, I know he did.

The river of fire. That was just a taste of it, but he stepped back and from the look in his eyes I know he felt the horrible pain. But like it or not, Ethan was a stubborn guy, he just gritted his teeth and kept coming.

I had to admire the persistence. Even in the face of one of the worst pains he could experience, he carried on, a smile found it's way to my face, "I guess you can stay brave." I said as I met him halfway.

Our weapons met in mid-air and the crowd roared. But I was only focused on him. His armor didn't fit him well, but he knew it, he was guarding his weak points well. My chest burned, like Akhlys was just telling me she wanted me to die here.

That just made me fight harder, but as much as I wanted to poke holes in Ethan with my blades, his defenses were solid. "I knew you were scared of me." I taunted, the crowd ate it up. But Ethan didn't, he just frowned and pressed into me.

I tried to keep on Ethan's blind side, but it didn't help much. He'd apparently been fighting with only one eye for a long time, because he was excellent at guarding his left. "Blood!" the monsters cried.

I tried to use shadow magic to blindside him by doing it behind him, but the monsters all gasped and shouted, he didn't even look, his sword swiped away the magic, he smirked at me, "Predictable."

It backfired on me horribly, because now Ethan was stronger and faster, putting more pressure on me. This was getting interesting. I was unable to rely on magic, even summoning help would just feed his reserve. This was a fight of pure skill and strength.

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