We Meet The Inventor

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(Y/N)'s POV

I felt like a zombie, my arms and legs were as heavy as lead, my head was pounding, I'm not sure I could have walked even if I wanted to. But it wasn't the physical strain that was keeping me here, but the mental strain.

I just couldn't wrap my head around it, as I looked at Nyx's dream for her 'perfect future' I wasn't able to process. Why this, why would anyone want this! I tore my eyes away from the carving after what felt like days.

But it was still there, burned into my waking eyes, hanging over my head, I saw past it, through it, into what It was meant to become, I saw the insanity that it promised for the future and my blood ran cold. When I closed my eyes it was all I could see.

This wasn't about Ethan, or his sword, this wasn't about me breaking ancient laws or my deal with my aunt. This wasn't even about me, it was about Nyx and Nyx alone. She was telling me what would happen. Like it or not.

I fell to my hands and knees at some point, a mix of sweat and tears fell to the floor, just looking away had exhausted me. It took all my strength to shakily stand. There was only one thing I could think to do.

I had to get rid of it, I had to destroy it, something like this shouldn't exist in this world. Just the thought of the image becoming real made me feel sick. It was like my body acted on it's own, maybe a self preservation tactic. Because just like Nyx said, I wouldn't live to see this future.

But she was wrong about one thing, it wasn't because I would die causing it, it was because I would die before I let it come to pass. I pulled Glimmer from my shadow and lashed out at the carving.

Before the blade ever made contact with the masterpiece, a shadow stronger then my own wrapped around it like a sheathe, pulling back with so much force it almost broke my wrist. "NO!" I screamed, trying again.

I had to deface it, destroy it. It couldn't be left here. I don't know how many times I swung my dagger, no blow met it's target, and eventually I had been doing it so long I could barely move my arm. I had to destroy it, if this was the future I had to get rid of it! I refused to accept it!

"I cannot let you destroy the shrine (Y/N)" said an instantly recognisable voice as a cold air settled into the room. I turned to glare at my father. I was ready to fight him again if I had to, as long as I destroyed this future.

"Why not!" I croaked out, my voice was dry and scratchy, "Too scared I'll go against fate? Or my prophecy?" I said bitterly, I turned to strike the wall again but my blade was knocked out of my hand. "Quite the opposite my son."

"By destroying the visage of the eternal darkness, you only solidify it's grasp on reality." He said, explaining his actions, why he protected such a horrible thing. "Magic older than both you and I forged the seal, to break it is to make it a reality. Nyx told you this, you need to calm yourself."

"Calm myself! After seeing this!" I scoffed, he frowned at me, showing a lot of emotion all of a sudden. "A curse resides in that image, a curse that will spread over the world like a plague if it were to be released. One that cannot be undone. To release it now would be a calamity."

I snarled at him, changing my angle. I was beyond disgusted, "Why didn't you tell me, why didn't you warn me!" He looked away, "I wished to child, but could not. It was not the right time." "For what!" I asked, but I knew the answer.

"You can't expect me to do this. To believe this!" He looked at me with a solemn face, my breaths became shaky, not from fear or anger, but disbelief, I realised that they had tricked me, and why they didn't really involve me in their war.

They couldn't risk me getting hurt, if I was the cause of this future, they had to keep me alive until my prophecy killed me. It was all leading to this. They probably knew from the start, but only told me when it was set in stone.

Percy Jackson Series. Annabeth Chase X Male Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now