I Bring Hellhounds to Show and Tell

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(Y/N)'s POV

It was still very early in the morning, the wind was so cold it stung my skin, and if my eyes weren't so well adapted to the dark, I would be blind, and if the Princess Andromeda didn't stand out so much, I still wouldn't have seen it.

The ship was surrounded by something, I couldn't tell if it was the mist, or some sort of magic, or both, but I suddenly wished that I had done this mission later in the day, having my other sword would make this much easier.

I needed to get out of the air fast, even now I could smell ozone sticking to the air, Zeus wasn't exactly about to take my arrival in his domain lightly. So, my options were simple, find a way to land safely, and fast or get blasted out of the sky.

Landing was going to be a problem, even if I slowed down, I couldn't risk touching the sea, if I did Poseidon would find me and I would have the same problem. Couldn't Nyx have just dropped me off.

As I got closer to the ship, the hairs on the back of my neck stood up, I smelled death in the air, before I could even worry about it being mine. I saw what was protecting the ship and everything made sense.

I was now aware of a new problem I had to resolve. If I went too slowly the shifting mass of smoke that I assumed was the spirits that Tyson mentioned would tear me apart.

I decided it would be best to take my chances with them, considering who I was I would have a much better chance with a bunch of old spirits then I would have facing with Zeus or his brother. I had to be precise with this.

Fighting against the instinct I had to spread my wings. I forced myself into a better diving position and got ready, pulling my sword free of its chain, once I was at a comfortable enough altitude, I freed my wings.

I didn't use them to fly yet, I was still in freefall, I just needed them to be out, they slowed me a little, but not enough to be comfortable with the fact I was about to impact either a swarm of ghosts, or a cruise ship at terminal velocity.

The second I prepared to open my wings, the air around me began to taste metallic and I understood that Zeus was waiting for me to slow down enough that he could strike me with a bolt easier, that complicated things a bit more but it wasn't impossible to escape.

I just had to make sure my decent was very fast until the last second. Admittedly easier said than done, especially at this height, but I was prepared enough to do it regardless, not that I had much choice in the matter.

I closed my eyes and took a breath, making myself to calm down, then I spread my wings, about twenty feet before I impacted the spirits that surrounded the ship, slowing me down just enough that I wasn't torn apart.

Luckily for me the ground effect of opening my wings at a low altitude meant my speed was reduced significantly and contacting the spirits made my landing even more gradual. That's not to say either made it gentle.

As soon as the spirits contacted me, I could sense their hated, their animosity towards the gods, I was used to that, hundreds of them grabbed at my wings and my body as I fought to push through them, it was like the world's worst ball pit.

I could feel them pulling at me from about ten feet off the ground, trying to stop me from entering the shield they had formed around the Princess Andromeda, I struck at them with my blade, they didn't recoil, but they should have.

Spirits didn't usually worry about sword blows, but this sword fed on the energy that was keeping the spirits on this plane, the final essence of their life was absorbed into the blade, travelling up my arm and nourishing me as I gripped the hilt.

The smarter and older of the spirits dispersed to flee from the blade, allowing me to slip through the barrier, admittedly I landed rather harshly, and my knees were killing me, but I landed on my feet which was much better than I had prepared for.

Percy Jackson Series. Annabeth Chase X Male Reader StoryKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat