The Crash Landing Still Happens

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(Y/N)'s POV

As we were in the air, I knew I wouldn't have time to use my wings, and since I was hanging onto Clovis, I couldn't roll out of it, so I turned and braced my shoulder, we landed hard, I heard a few things snap as we did.

Jolts of pain raced up one side of my body like electricity, burning through me for just a second, an aching sensation replacing it as Clovis landed on me, I stood up and reached for my arm with my other hand.

Not a good idea, as soon as my skin touched the same jolt of pain ran through me, "Yup, that's broken." And as soon as my mind made that connection, I started feeling woozy. Like I had caught up to the damage.

"Here, let me help you." Clovis offered, his hands being encapsulated in shadow, but then I saw what was going on around us, I felt a few panicked souls. I looked around the street and felt nothing, until Clovis yelled "What the hades!"

I saw Percy and Annabeth on a Pegasus, flying beside them, no, crashing beside them. Was a helicopter, with mortals in it, I didn't have time to decipher anything else. "The pilot's asleep!" Clovis gasped, "Wake him up!" I said, steadying myself, "I can't!"

I grit my teeth, "Fine, heal me later. Bigger problems" Taking off to meet the others in the air. The feeling of air rushing on my broken arm was a strange one, like pins and needles intensified, but I didn't care about that right now, seeing how dangerous the situations was.

The others were trying to get the pilot out of the helicopter, as well as the passenger, who was an old friend, but the helicopter was making a b-line for a nearby building and they were running out of time.

I wanted to get underneath it to try and steer it somewhat, but I'm no Superman, so I thought that was a bad idea, instead using a shadow to capture the controls of the helicopter in my grasp and move he stick thingy up like they did in movies.

The helicopter did move up and away from the building, but in doing so it almost shredded my friends with its blades, "Sorry!" I shouted, but with thew whirring of the helicopter and the stress of the situation, I don't think they heard me.

I got closer to the helicopter, finally making out what the others were doing clearly. I could hear Rachel screaming inside. For some reason, she hadn't fallen asleep, but I could see the pilot slumped over the controls, pitching back and forth as the helicopter wobbled toward the side of an office building.

Guido went into a nosedive. He zipped along the side of the helicopter, and Annabeth grabbed the door. That's when things went wrong. Guido's wing slammed against the helicopter. He plummeted straight down with me on his back, leaving Annabeth dangling from the side of the aircraft.

I was so terrified I could barely think, but as Guido spiralled, I caught a glimpse of Rachel pulling Annabeth inside the copter. "Okay, time for drastic action." I sighed, gaining some distance from the aircraft so I could build up speed.

I then used my wings to fly straight at it, at first, I had to do something that put my friends in a lot more danger, I again used my shadow on the helicopter, this time to open both doors. Which unfortunately meant the two girls were battered by wind harshly, but it also meant my plan could work.

It was at the moment that the helicopter started to plummet faster that I regretted my foolish Idea to fly through a helicopter, luckily it levelled out for a moment, meaning if I squeezed my wings to my back, I could do so.

I hit Annabeth so fast I must have hurt her, but it was better than being in a crashed helicopter, flying in one end of the copter and out the other with her in my arms, almost laughing to myself as I was amazed that it worked.

Percy Jackson Series. Annabeth Chase X Male Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now