The Hero's Last Hurrah

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(Y/N)'s POV

I didn't remember falling asleep, but I remember waking up suddenly. I must have been so tired that after the meeting I just passed out. My head was a little fuzzy and I was definitely a little dazed. I woke up, but I didn't feel awake yet if that makes sense. I was bleary eyed, but still well rested.

I woke up in the Aphrodite cabin, and almost like the fates had decided I deserved three kicks to the chest, I was on Silena's bed, meaning that while she shared a bunk with her half sister, the first waking moment I had today was one where I turned over and saw a picture of my dead friend.

That was the first sign I had that showed me I hadn't woken up to a camp I really wanted to be in. Followed soon after by me almost shattering my skull against a bedframe. As I cried out in pain, my cabinmates helped me hide the bruise with concealer and told me what happened.

Clarisse had carried me in here, seeing as I had no injuries, the geniuses of the Aphrodite cabin, had decided that it was best to let me get my beauty sleep, which according to them, I needed desperately, because I was wasting my good looks.

The weirdest thing was, despite suddenly deciding to fall asleep on the ground, I felt great. As if I had my eight hours, which barely ever happened. "How long was I out?" I sked Silena. She shrugged, "All night."

"Weird..." I shouldn't have been this well rested, I knew what was happening, I shouldn't have been able to sleep this soundly, it just didn't make sense. It was suspicious, but I didn't know why.

I pushed it out of my mind, after breakfast, Annabeth and I walked down to inspect the cabins. Actually, it was Annabeth's turn for inspection. My morning was supposed to be consisting of building my team for my suicide mission.

I had instructed Chiron that since I couldn't find my team yesterday like I had planned, then I would have to find them now, and after Beckendorf's shroud burning, we would have to head out immediately, since we only had a few days.

He agreed, but as expected, Annabeth wasn't happy. As I told her of my idea for the mission, she was furious. "Why does it have to be her? Why can't I go with you?" She asked, glaring at me, I rolled my eyes as we trudged down to the Poseidon cabin.

"Can you shoot a harpy in the eye from 400 meters?" I asked as she pouted at me, "Do you have the strength of ten men?" I asked, she looked like she was about to say "Well..." So I cut her off. "Because for this to work out, that's what I need."

She looked really upset by my decision, so before we even made it over to Percy, I pulled her aside, behind his cabin, cupping her chin in my hand, "Hey. Look at me." I said as she stubbornly refused to meet my gaze.

She eventually locked eyes with me, "I know you're scared, and I know why. It will be dangerous and I know you want me to stay safe, but I'll only be gone for one day, if we don't get it done first try, we're coming right back."

Her lip quivered, "But after everything with Beckendorf, are you sure that this is the right thing to do?" I nodded, "I have to try. Even if it's just to buy us a little more time, I have to try." She frowned, pursing her lips. I wanted to avoid the topic, so I changed it.

"You're cute when you're jealous." I teased, kissing her on the cheek. "I'm not jealous! I just think that if I were with you, we could have a better, more well thought out plan." I scoffed, "Sure sweetheart. You keep telling yourself that." I said as I left her and walked into Percy's cabin.

Percy had at least made some sort of effort, he was there to greet us, busty filing reports for Chiron, he'd even made his bunk bed that morning and straightened the Minotaur horn on the wall, so I gave him four out of five.

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