The Coins Give Me Indigestion

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(Y/N)'s POV

Leaving the underworld behind us once more, I tried to be happy, to celebrate, after years of trying, and never getting the opportunity, I was finally able to rid the world of the Kindly ones, perhaps for good.

The creatures that had tormented so many people, the monsters that wee the ones to kill my mother, were now trapped in Nico's sword and may never reform again. Despite how dire the rest of our circumstances were, I wanted to smile.

However, that just reminded me of the other monumental tasks on my path to vengeance, all the other challenges I had yet to overcome, I would have to face worse things then them if I wanted to make my way to the top.

I still had to make the Olympians suffer, Zeus and Hades especially, all while juggling the wars with Kronos and Nyx. Somehow, I had to come out on top when the chips were down, which was something I was unsure of.

Since my first-time threatening Hades in the underworld, I knew how I would punish the other Olympians, I had picked up everything I needed back then, a simple item that everyone knew could cause catastrophe, but still overlooked and I was-

"-How long until we make it out?" Percy asked, looking at the pinprick in the distance that was the light of the surface world hopefully, "An hour? Maybe half that if we hurry." I said, losing my train of thought and instead stumbling on another.

As I walked beside Percy, following after Mrs O'Leary, who was bounding her way out of the underworld, I noticed it for the first time. Maybe I had been in the underworld for too long, or maybe it was because I was still a ghost.

But the air around me felt different. If I had to explain it, it was like the mix of that weird smell there I that lingers after heavy rainfall, and the taste of ozone in the air. It wasn't the smell of death, at least not the one I was accustomed to, I would never be able to explain that smell.

But there was a heaviness around me, and I was just waiting to see what it meant, I felt ready to get attacked, but nervous that it could be something far worse. Still, I pushed on, the only driving force I had left was the one compelling me to see Annabeth again. Oh and one other thing.

Before we reached the surface, I stopped Percy, putting my hand on his shoulder, "Hold up for two seconds gills." He seemed confused, and very tired, I sat down in a meditation stance. Closing my eyes and imagining myself getting further and further away from my body, which was much easier now I wasn't trapped.

"Zoe." I reached out, happy to hear her voice as she mumbled "(Y/N)?" In response, "Central Park, tunnel of Orpheus. Go now" I said and the last thing I heard as I returned to my body was the violent swerve of a car. I rolled my eyes, I told Jake not to let her drive.

"That's our ride secured." I said, Percy was happy about that, "So how do you feel? Any different yet?" I asked, he shrugged, "If anything I just feel really tired." I chuckled, "You and me both." I said as I thought back to my time at the bottom of the Styx, the trip down nightmare lane got me thinking actually.

"Hey, while you were down there, was anybody with you?" He tuned his head to me as I wondered if he had encountered the Nymph or Naiad, or whatever that possessive thing was in the Styx, or heard the same voices that I had. If anything just to prove to myself that I wasn't totally crazy and maybe my terrible delusion had some grounds in reality.

Percy blushed a little, I could see it better in this darkness then I could the light. "In a way..." He said, turning away from me, I guessed he didn't want to tell me about the whole experience, "Did you run into a Naiad? Sharp teeth, gravelly voice?"

He looked perturbed by the thought and shook his head, I sighed and rubbed where my neck met my shoulder, I could still feel the indentation of jagged teeth running across my skin, which hadn't occurred to me was doubly concerning, because I didn't have skin.

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