I Feed Into the Rumours

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(Y/N)'s POV

"These are the King Slayer's Blades, Hephaestus made them special for me, his own little joke. Hades helped too. Celestial Blades quenched in all five rivers of the Underworld." I unsheathed them while nobody was around, they looked like tarnished or darkened bronze.

Terrible visions flooded my head, so I quickly put them away. The ghosts faded soon after, "I don't normally use them; I avoid them whenever possible. The effects it has on me vary, but they're never good. My own personal torture device."

"Sometimes I begin to forget who I am or where I am and just attack anything I see, sometimes it puts me in so much pain I want to die, sometimes bad memories pop up in my head to haunt me, stuff like that. It's what Zeus used to punish me."

"That's barbaric!" Annabeth protested, I chuckled, "Have you ever heard of the Olympians? What about Medusa? Prometheus? Atlas? Io? Ixion? Actaeon? Marsyas? Tantalus? I could go on." Her shoulders slumped in defeat.

"From where I'm standing, I got off lucky. You attack Zeus, and he tends to hold it against you, successful or not. Lucky Hephaestus liked me enough to create these bracers, they dull the effects of the water."

"Hecate made sure they are coated in mist for me, the magic she put on them means they can be drawn out of these bracers, to make sure that I never come into contact with them accidentally."

I did a Hephaestus impression as he hammered away, "'You got gusto kid, guts, guts of a fool, but guts regardless'" He had said as he attached them to me. Annabeth looked deep in thought. She looked down for a second, then back up.

"Hades. You're Hades' son. That's why you hated Zeus; it's why you hate him now" Annabeth said matter of factly. I laughed, "Closer than last time blondie, but don't you think if I was Hades' kid everyone would have bowed to me by now." "What happened?" said Percy, getting impatient.

So, I told them my tale of idiocy, "It was a year or so ago. I had been going to camp on and off for a few months since I was young, but never long enough to do anything significant, but something had gone down recently that meant I had to stay there."

"Chiron was going up to Olympus for a meeting, I begged him to go, pleaded on my knees, but part of me thinks he was on to me, he knew why I wanted to go. So, when he said no, I took it into my own hands."

"A friend of mine helped me sneak out of camp with a glamour disguised as Argus. I drove to Olympus. While Chiron was up there, I snuck up too. My glamour faded as soon as I crossed the threshold."

"The gods didn't notice me, they just assumed I was a Camper waiting for Chiron. I had stashed a Celestial Bronze dagger up my sleeve after I stole it from the shed. It looked like a mirror, that's why I took it, I thought maybe nobody would notice if I got caught. I'd say it was decorative, genius right."

"Anyway, I got impatient, so I managed to sneak my way through the throne room, behind the chairs, I followed their voices until I found Zeus's, he was too busy arguing to notice me, I climbed up the thing, I was about to drive it through the back of his skull when 'Boom.'"

"Boom what?" said Grover on the edge of his seat. "Well, Zeus gets very animated when he speaks, his throne is made of platinum, which is very conductive when it's next to the god of thunder." Annabeth was looking as if she wanted to take notes again.

"I got launched in the air about ten feet, landed at Chiron's side, then before I knew it, three arrows came out of nowhere, two either side of my collarbone and one knocking the dagger out my hand. Artemis and Apollo to thank for those."

"What did the gods do?" Annabeth said. I shrugged, "Some laughed, some shouted, Chiron was furious, understandably. Chiron pleaded with them said I'm just a kid, but if Thalia Grace was any indication, the gods don't care about killing kids, they had a vote, then they decided to incinerate me."

Percy Jackson Series. Annabeth Chase X Male Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now