I Use Thalia as a Battery

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(Y/N)'s POV

"-Blackbeard!" He said in awe, I nodded "The Blackbeard?" I nodded once more, "I'm telling you, not a word of a lie." I swore, hand on heart. "That can't be true." His sister reasoned. "No, it is. I'm telling you, every word." "WOW!" Nico said, basically with stars in his eyes.

"Sure, you got turned into a hamster and then fought Blackbeard for the honour of two fair maidens." Bianca rolled her eyes. "A guinea pig actually." I corrected, she just sighed. "You're delusional."

"Yes. Yes I am, but not about this stuff. I mean seriously, after everything you've seen, you suddenly draw the line at guinea pigs and pirates?" I asked, she laughed, "Yes actually, that is where I draw the line."

As Nico sipped on his soda, I had to ask, "Did you beat that pinball record?" He nodded devilishly, relishing his achievement, "Nice." I went to fist bump him, he looked confused and shook my hand instead, I scoffed, "We'll work on that."

After five more minutes he finally plucked up the courage to show me his 'collection' which I thought was just about the cutest and coolest thing in the world. I looked over a few cards, "So, Zeus's thunderbolt does 600 damage?" the kid nodded.

I took a note of that, "So I have more than 600 hp, good to know." I joked, they both seemed confused, I waved them off, plans already forming in my mind for the world of opportunities for this kid.

If he liked card games so much, when I introduced him to board games it was going to blow his little mind. I couldn't wait. We had come a long way in his time spent in that casino.

I was too busy killing monsters to collect their Mythomagic cards, so I was behind on the times too, we could learn together, it was going to be awesome. "I could buy you a set if you would like?" Rang my dads voice in my head.

"Shut up." I whispered internally, flushing. But it did remind me of a backup plan, "Here kid, another for your collection." I said, passing him a playing card imbued with my magic.

He looked it over as I passed another to his sister. "If you ever need my help, destroy these and I'll be right there in an instant, they're magic." I explained, "Cool!" Nico said, immediately going to tear his.

I grabbed his hand, "Not now silly, only when you're really in trouble, I don't have very many of them to give out, so don't go wasting it." He looked disappointed until his sister gave him a stern look and he nodded.

I focused on finishing my drink, before realising we were being glared at, the monster was looking our way, I tried not to make eye contact and instead scanned the room.

Weird thing about military schools: the kids go absolutely nuts when there's a special event and they get to be out of uniform. I guess it's because everything's so strict the rest of the time, they feel like they've got to overcompensate or something.

There were black and red balloons all over the gym floor, and guys were kicking them in each other's faces, or trying to strangle each other with the crepe-paper streamers taped to the walls.

Girls moved around in football huddles, the way they always do, wearing lots of makeup and spaghetti-strap tops and brightly coloured pants and shoes that looked like torture devices.

Every once in a while, they'd surround some poor guy like a pack of piranhas, shrieking and giggling, and when they finally moved on, the guy would have ribbons in his hair and a bunch of lipstick graffiti all over his face.

Some of the older guys looked more like me—uncomfortable, hanging out at the edges of the gym and trying to hide, like any minute they might have to fight for their lives.

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