The Shroud Takes Over

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(Y/N)'s POV

You know that old saying, 'if today was your last day, what would you do?' Well for me, today was my last day. At least I think so. I slept at weird hours okay, my body clock was all messed up. And I have to tell you, getting up on the day you knew you were going to die was not easy.

I just wanted to lie here, maybe it was because of my harsh landing, but I just felt so tired and comfortable that getting up felt like a waste, my pillow was soft and for once, I understood Clovis, it was too cold to get up.

The heat that I had become accustomed to was too relaxing to ignore and forsake with the responsibilities of waking up. Or so I thought, until I heard a screech from outside that pierced through me, like nails on a chalkboard, it forced me awake.

Not just because it was loud, and not just because it was dangerous, but something else I couldn't quite pin down about the shrill screech, something about it just unsettled me, it put my body into fight mode.

I quickly forgot everything to do with my injuries, they felt like they weren't there in the face of the coming danger, but again, that was until something else caught my attention. Annabeth was beside me.

Not like she was lying down next to me, like she had been sitting on the couch I was placed on, as I stretched my neck and felt no discomfort, it occurred to me, "Was I just using your lap as a pillow?"

She shrugged as a faint blush smattered across her cheeks, "Sweet." I mumbled under my breath, and she frowned at me, mumbling something about not having any pillows thanks to Clovis.

I looked over at him to see he had about five that I could see, as well as one of those emergency blanket things that he had clearly pulled from the first aid kit. I wanted to both thank him, and hit him, but my problems were made very clear.

I grinned at her evilly, normally I would have teased her further, but there was a low rumble in the distance that meant my fighting reflexes were the next thing to wake. "Please tell me you heard that." I said, she shook her head.

"Well, that doesn't bode well..." I thought, but regardless. I kissed her on the cheek as a thanks and together we decided to investigate the new threat, I stumbled through our base to the outside world, pushing past the Apollo campers who all tried to stop and warn me against it.

If I knew what was coming, and what would happen, I would have taken their advice, I would have had more ambrosia, I would have healed myself more, there were a lot of things I would have done.

We were outside before we knew it, the Hephaestus cabin was out of Greek fire. The Apollo cabin and the Hunters were scrounging for arrows. Most of us had already ingested so much ambrosia and nectar we didn't dare take any more. We had sixteen campers, fifteen Hunters, and half a dozen satyrs left in fighting shape.

The rest had taken refuge on Olympus. The Party Ponies tried to form ranks, but they staggered and giggled and they all smelled like root beer. The Texans were head-butting the Coloradoans. The Missouri branch was arguing with Illinois.

The chances were pretty good the whole army would end up fighting each other rather than the enemy. Chiron trotted up to us as we met with Percy. Chiron had Rachel on his back. I felt a twinge of annoyance because Chiron rarely gave anyone a ride, and never a mortal.

"Your friend here has some useful insights, Percy," he said. Rachel blushed. "Just some things I saw in my head." "A drakon," Chiron said. "A Lydian drakon, to be exact. The oldest and most dangerous kind." I stared at her.

What I heard in my waking moments made sense, drakons would make those noises. "How did you know that?" "I'm not sure," Rachel admitted. "But this drakon has a particular fate. It will be killed by a child of Ares."

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