I Go Shirtless in a Hurricane

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Percy's POV

After the Chimera bit and disarmed me, I saw its head turn, I was in too much shock to warn him, I snapped out of it as smoke coalesced in the Chimera's mouth. "GET DOWN!" I screamed but the noise was drowned out by the roar of the beast.

A pillar of flame engulfed (Y/N) before I could blink, scorching straight through him and blowing a hole in the arch from the heat of the flame. As the blaze cleared, I held out hope that he had somehow dodged it as I averted my eyes.

That hope crumbled when I heard a scream from the woman hiding behind her husband and saw (Y/N), his upper half charred and burnt black. He fell backwards, his legs unable to support him as he died.

Nobody could have survived that, demigod or not, "NOOO!!!" I screamed, forgetting everything, and running to his side, only to get sideswiped by the Chimera and knocked to the edge of the Arch, the monsters were between us now.

I backed into the hole in the wall. Doing what came naturally I shook with anger, If I had Riptide, I'd tear these freaks apart for what they just did, as this thought passed my head, wind whipped around my head, rain began to thrash against the Arch.

It was as if a hurricane had just decided to rock up to St Louis, announcing itself by soaking everything around it. As it did, I felt myself get stronger, the poison seeming to leave my body.

The Chimera advanced, growling, smoke curling from its lips. The snake lady, Echidna, cackled. "They don't make heroes like they used to, eh, son?" The monster growled. It seemed in no hurry to finish me off now that I was beaten. I glanced at the park ranger and the family.

The little boy was hiding behind his father's legs. I had to protect these people. Like (Y/N) told me to, I couldn't just... die. I tried to think, but my whole body was on fire with anger. The hurricane was making me feel dizzy.

I had no sword. I was facing a massive, fire-breathing monster and its mother. But I was going to destroy them, I knew that much. There was no place else to go, so I stepped to the edge of the hole. Far, far below, the river glittered as rain thrashed against it.

If I jumped to retrieve Riptide, would the monsters follow? Would they leave the humans alone? Would I stand a better chance? As I debated my options, the Echidna almost read my mind, hissing at me like a chuckle.

"If you are the son of Poseidon," Echidna hissed, "you would not fear water. Jump, Percy Jackson. Show me that water will not harm you. Jump and retrieve your sword. Prove your bloodline." Yeah, right, I thought.

I'd read somewhere that jumping into water from a couple of stories up was like jumping onto solid tar. From here, I'd splatter on impact. The Chimera's mouth glowed red, heating up for another blast.

"You have no faith," Echidna told me. "You do not trust the gods. I cannot blame you, little coward. Better you die now. The gods are faithless. The poison is in your heart." She was right: I was dying. The rain helped, but I could feel my breath slowing down. Nobody could save me, not even the gods. I backed up and looked down at the water.

I remembered the warm glow of my father's smile when I was a baby. He must have seen me. He must have visited me when I was in my cradle. I remembered the swirling green trident that had appeared above my head the night of capture the flag, when Poseidon had claimed me as his son.

But this wasn't the sea. This was the Mississippi, dead centre of the USA. There was no sea god here. "Die, faithless one," Echidna rasped, and the Chimera sent a column of flame towards my face. "Father, help me," I prayed. I turned and jumped. My clothes on fire, poison coursing through my veins, I plummeted towards the river.

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