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"Roll camera," a member of the crew shouts.
Then they get a reply from the camera crew "Camera rolling"
The assistant camera operator hopes out the clapper board and says "slate 3, take 5... And action!" The assistant camera operator shouts and the board is clapped.

Niamh says her first like which all goes to plan and is followed by Joe, there's an awkward silences and Joe is just staring at Niamh, "... Erm... Sorry I forgot my line can we go again?" Joe announced and everyone sighs.

"Cut!" The Assistant camera operator shouts  and the make-up team rush on along with the script supervisor.

"Seriously this is like the 5th time Joe" Niamh laughs as she finds it funny how he forgets his lines.
Joe laughs along with her as the make-up team touch their makeup up again.

"Please, so we can move on, this scene is driving me crazy it's so figetty!" Niamh says.

Joe nods "I shall try my best again, but trust me my brain is like a shiv today" he jokes and Niamh frowns at him as she wants her lunch break.

"Keep reading it over again then" she says rolling her eyes at him. Joe laughs and reads the script again before glancing up at Niamh.

"The words aren't written on my face" she laughs.

He laughs "well it so happens that I have to look at you to do this scenes correctly" Joe smiles at her as he flicks to the next page.

"Well read the words, remember them, then practice" she laughs.

He laughs once again at her "oh Niamh" he smirks as he reads the next scene that he has with her and his eyes widen.

"What's wrong?" she asks as she starts flicking frantically to see what page he is on.

Joe smiles a little are reads the scheme synopsis out "Cara comes in to the locker room after her shift, she notices Raf standing at his locker, he keeps glancing at her, Cara decides to ask him what's up, before Cara can say another word Raf has her pinned up the locker and starts to kiss her, Cara fights back but soon warms to the idea... End of scene" he says and Niamh starts to blush.

"Sorry you what" Niamh says absolutely stunned.

"Niamh, page 60 look" he says and Niamh flicks to near the back of the script.

"Indeed you will not 'pin me up against the lockers'" Niamh says.

"It's all part of the job" Joe smirks as Niamh blushes bright red.

Niamh looks down "well I guess so but I'm tiny, can't they give me a stool to stand on" she laughs as she gestures to the height difference.

"I'll have no problem" he smirks. Niamh stands there blushing at the fact Joe had to kiss her.

Just as the begin to discuss their scene the director calls lunch.  "Thank god for that" Niamh says giving a sigh of relief. Joe can't help but laugh at her as she had gotten herself into a tissy about it.

Niamh walks off set and is joined by Ellie and Alex.  "What's up with you?" they both ask, Niamh still has the look of shock in her face.

"Nothing... well Erm... I've just this minute found out I have a kissing scene with Joe" Niamh announces.

Alex and Ellie burst into hysterics, "You better getting practising!" Alex jokes and Niamh pulls a face.

"What do that fans call it...erm Rara or something?" Ellie laughs.

Niamh nods "well I've heard about Migby" she giggles and makes Ellie blush.

"The fact he's so much more taller than me makes much more worse!" Niamh stutters.

Ellie laughs at her "I shall get you a step ladder then" she jokes and Niamh frowns as they make it to the canteen.

"He also has to pin me up against the lockers, who do they think I am a rag doll?!" she frowns.

Alex sniggers to himself "at least it doesn't lead to an intimate scene like the other Niamh and Jules had to do last year" he laughs.

"Don't even say that because no doubt it will" she says.

Alex laughs at her once again and gets his lunch and sits with Camilla, James and Rosie.

Ellie and Niamh are joined by Rob and Joe. "Oh Niamh look who it is!" Ellie giggles and Niamh blushes. Niamh grabs her bottle of water and her sandwich and quickly makes her way over to the table and sits by Camilla.

"Didn't fancy sitting with Joe?" Alex smirks.

Niamh frowns at him and starts to eat her lunch, "what's up with her?" Camilla asks.

"Joe has to kiss her" Alex laughs making kissing noise in the background which Niamh tries her best to ignore.

Camilla sniggers "come on Niamh your an actress... You should be used to stuff like this by  now" Camilla announces and James nods in agreement.

"I guess" she says and smiles a little. She carries on eating her lunch and tries her hardest to think that in the scene she is going to kiss her boyfriend.
'What happens if it goes wrong and we have to do it over an over again?' she thought to herself giving her shivers down her spine.

"Me and James had to do that over and over, first off it was because the Lightning wasn't correct and then probably the 10th time because of debris not falling on us right" Camilla says as she remembers having to do the kissing scene with James after the explosion.

"Don't tell me that!" Niamh says and starts to blush again.

Alex smirks and grabs a pencil and his script and then shows her something, "oh look Niamh didn't you get the script update? Joe has to pull your top off" he jokes.

"No he doesn't I'm not that stupid Alex" she says not best impressed.

"Look Niamh of you don't believe me" he sniggers.

"Fine" she says as she looks down at the script. "Your face is priceless!" Alex laughs hysterically.

Niamh's mouth drops open in shock, she hits him playfully.

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