Bedroom romance part 1

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Pre-warning: sexual nature

They finally get back to the house and Joe gets a glass of water, while Niamh goes into the lounge to see Harry, Chloe and Matthew, all curled up on the sofa.

"I take it you guys are alright?" Niamh smiles.

Chloe looks round and smiles, "he's been fine, a few dirty nappies but he's been okay" Chloe says as she looks down at Matthew in her arms.

"And yourself? I take it Harry took the news well?" Niamh says.

Chloe sighs, "we're getting there" she says as she looks at Harry. Harry smiles at Chloe and smiles.

"Well looks like you'll have practice on your nephew" Niamh laughs. Chloe laughs and smiles "well I'm just popping upstairs" Niamh smiles.

"Have you got enough milk for him?" Niamh asks and Chloe nods.

Niamh walks off out of the room and takes her damp bra off. "Matthew's fine" she informs Joe.

"Ahh good" Joe says as he follows her upstairs.

"And Harry took the news well" Niamh smiles as she flops herself down on the bed.

"Well that's good" Joe smiles as he watches Niamh lie on her back with her hands on her stomach and knees up.

"Tired?" he asks.

"A little" Niamh smiles.

"The heat makes you tired" Joe says as he comes and lies next to her.

She nods and Joe smiles happily at her as she looks at her ring "I take it you like it" he smiles.

"I love it babe, it's absolutely gorgeous!" she smiles happily.

Niamh smiles at Joe and kisses him, "You were right, tonight was memorable and special" she smiles.

"What we on about the proposal or the sex in the sea?" He says.

"Everything" she smiles.
Joe rolls onto his side and smiles and kisses her ear.

"Told you it would be" Joe smiles.

She smiles and rolls onto her side too and smiles. "You make me really happy Joe" Niamh smiles.

"You make me really happy too" Joe smiles.

She smiles at him and kisses his cheek, Joe catches Niamh's lips and kisses her passionately, He then rubs down her waist. She smiles as he gets to her hip and plays with her top. She giggles and him, "oh Niamhy, you're all giggly tonight" Joe smiles.

Niamh smiles at him and kisses him. "Can't help it" she giggles again.

"I love you" Joe smiles as he kisses her nose.

"I love you too babe" she smiles.
Joe leans in and kisses her lips again and strokes her hip as he does so.

She giggles, "that tickles" she says, Joe smirks and continues to kiss her, Niamh kisses him back passionately.

Joe rolls her top up and moved her arms up so he can get her top off. "You are so sexy" he smirks.

She giggles and kisses down his chest as she feels for his belt. "Nice bra" he smirks.

Niamh giggles even more and hides her face in his chest. "Matching underwear?" he questions as he takes her shorts off.

"Oh Niamhy you never fail to please me" Joe smiles as he pulls her shorts off to see matching underwear.

"I thought you'd of noticed when we was in the sea earlier?" Niamh giggles.

"I actually didn't" he says.
"Ooh Jack Wills and everything" he smirks as he sees the waist band.

She giggles and lies on her back as Joe sits on his knees beside her. He straddles her lap and goes to undo her bra. He manages to undo her bra this time "see I can still do it" he laughs.

Niamh giggles and bites her lip "Joseph!... Watch where your touching" Niamh says as she knocks her boob and Joe laughs at her.

"Oh when you talk to me like that it turns me on even more" Joe laughs and kisses her.

Niamh giggles, "I guess your cute when you call me Niamhy" she smiles. Joe smiles and kisses down her neck, He kisses down her chest.

She giggles and wriggle as little as he gets to a sensitive spot of her stomach,  "Sit still you edjit" he laughs.

"It tickles like crazy Joe" she giggles.

"Mmmm I don't think it's  that bad" he smirks.

Niamh giggles and wriggles a little, He holds her still and kisses up and down her stomach. "You're so tan" he smiles.

"Shut up" she giggles as she tries to sit up.

"You're so fit you know that right?" he mutters. He holds her down and she giggles at him "oh your still very giggly" Joe laughs.

"I can't help it" she giggles hysterically.

Joe plays with her pants and Niamh tries to reach his. She manages to reach his belt and undoes it, She pulls it off him and chucks it off the bed. "Someone's a bit too excited" Niamh giggles.

"Someone's a bit too excited" Niamh giggles.

"Well" she giggles as she flips him and straddles his waist.

"What are you at?" he smirks. She giggles and turns around so she is still on his waist but not facing him.
"Earth to Niamhy" he smirks.

"What?" She giggles as she looks over her shoulder.

"What are you at?" he laughs as he kisses her cheek.

She says nothing and undoes his button and pulls the zip down. She smiles at him and pulls off his shorts.
"Ooo someone's excited" she giggles.

"You turn me on" he winks.

"Oh am I?" She giggles as Joe rests his hands on her hips.

"Yes you are and turn around babe so I can see you" he laughs.
Niamh giggles and looks around at him and smiles "Come on babe I want to see your beautiful face" Joe laughs.

Niamh smiles and turns around, "Ahh there's my beautiful girls beautiful face" Joe smiles.

"It only takes the tiny things to make me smile" she says as Joe rubs her hips.

"So I can see" Joe says as he moves his hands up her hips.

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