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Niamh wakes to the sound of Elliot leaving for the morning, her cheek is still sore from last nights blazing argument, where several glasses and plates were broken.

"I'll be back in a week, see you then" he days before leaving the bedroom.
Niamh nods and rolls over and sits up, she felt as if her stomach is swelling a little, but she just wants to make sure she still has a baby after he punched her in the stomach. She sits up, not feeling the best.

She tries to swallow the sick in her mouth but finds herself bolting out the bed and to the bathroom. She throws herself over the toilet, "oh my god, if he's still here" she panics as she stands back up and flushes the toilet.
Luckily he isn't and Niamh gets herself in the shower and washes herself down. "Hey you in there stop making me sick" she smiles as she looks at herself naked in the mirror and rubs her stomach.

Niamh smiles and starts to get herself dressed. Once dressed she gets herself some breakfast. She stands in the kitchen thinking to herself weather to have something or not, "are you going to let mummy keep something down?" she says.

She smiles and looks down at her stomach and tries to imagine a bump there around the size that her cousin has a few years ago.

She eats some toast for breakfast something light she could keep down. "I hope your happy in there" she smiles to herself really hoping she still has a baby. She grabs her handbag and car keys and head out to the car. She suddenly turns around and dashes back in when she feels the sick rising again.

"Oh my days, this is only going to get worse" she groans. She finally composes herself and flushes the toilet and heads back out to her car.

She sets her hand on her stomach, "don't be playing me around today you" she says and smiles.

Niamh heads to the hospital and goes up to gynaecology for her scan. She sits in the waiting room rather nervously.
She has a full bladder as she has to drink over a litre of water for the scan.
There running behind schedule so she texts Joe, 'might be a bit late, I'll see you soon x'

'Okay darling take as long as you need, don't rush X' he replies almost instantly.

He starts to wonder to himself if it was Elliot that was keeping her back, he texts her again, 'Is everything alright? X' he asks.

Niamh quickly thinks of an excuse 'tube to the train station has broken down X' she replies hoping he'll buy it.

'I'll see you soon, love you X' he replies unsure of weather or not to say 'love you' but he took the risk anyway.

Niamh smiles down at her phone, she can't believe Joe put 'love you' it did make her feel a little at ease.

"Ms Walsh we're ready for you now" a Nurse smiles as she calls Niamh. Niamh stands up with the clip board that she had to fill in personal information on. She gives a nervous smiles and follows the Nurse.

The nurse takes the clipboard off Niamh and reads it "so Niamh this is your first baby? Excited?" The nurse questions trying to make conversation.

"Yes, more nervous than excited really" she mutters.

The nurse smiles "oh it's wonderful thing motherhood, I'm sure you'll be very happy" the nurse smiles, "anyway my name is Kate and do you want to pop yourself on the bed" she says and Niamh nods nervously hoping she won't recognise who she is.

She lies there slightly uncomfortable as the nurse keeps glancing at her.

"Sorry you look really familiar? You sure you haven't been here before?" the nurse smiles and Niamh shakes her head, the nurse laughs "oh we must have met in another life then" she laughs as she rolls Niamh's top up.
Niamh smiles nervously, "now this will be a little cold" Kate smiles and Niamh nearly bolts upright as she puts the gel on.

Kate pushes her back down on the bed and pressed the Doppler down onto Cara's stomach.

"Sorry, it's colder than I expected" she says.

Niamh waits nervously, she decides to make conversation "so any children of your own?" Niamh questions.

"Two boys" the nurse smiles at Niamh.

"Lovely" Niamh says as she watches the Nurse.

"No husband or partner today?" she asks which really puts Niamh on the spot.

Niamh shakes her head "boyfriend, but he's away" she mutters, and looks down at her stomach.

"Ah right" the nurse says and drops the subject as its clear Niamh wasn't comfortable talking about it.

"My niece wants to do midwifery she's into that TV shows... Oh what's it called... Erm something city" Kate the nurse smiles as the machine screen finally turns on.

Niamh blushes, "Holby City?" she asks nervously.

"Ahh that's it, yeah she's always on about her sometimes we have to shut her up, she loves that blonde nurse, I only watched it the once and she was seeing to that other doctor who got beaten up" Kate says as she starts to move the Doppler.

"Well erm...that blonde nurse would be me" Niamh stutters and starts to blush.

The nurse raises an eyebrow "seriously?" She says in shock.

Niamh nods, "Indeed I am" she smiles.

The screen finally springs to life, "here we go, one healthy baby" Kate smiles, "oh and don't worry I won't tell anyone about this" Kate smiles.

"Thanks" she smiles happily as she looks at the ultrasound.

"Your around 3 months pregnant" Kate smiles happily at Niamh, a tear falls down Niamh's face.

"Sorry I'm getting all emotional on you" she laughs as she cries.

"It's fine" Kate smiles.

Niamh cleans herself up and Kate prints her the photo, as Niamh stands up and pulls her top down she turns to Kate, "what's your nieces name?" She questions curiously.

"Megsie why?" Kate says as she hands Niamh the scan.

"Just wondering" she smiles as she reaches into her handbag.

She grabs her note pad out of it and her pen, she quickly writes something down. It reads:

'For Megsie,
Don't stop believing in yourself, aim high and never stop smiling.
I'm glad I'm your favourite character!
With all my love
Niamh Walsh xx'

she pulls it out her note pad and hands it to Kate and says "here this if you your niece tell her I said hi" she smiles as she looks at her scan.

"Oh my goodness! She is going to love this! Thank you" Kate smiles.

Niamh smiles "no problem" she giggles and puts her scan, note pad and pen back in her handbag. Kate gives her all the important notes.

Roll camerasOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora