Auntie Chloé

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They soon arrive at Niamh's mum and dads house, Joe gets Matthew out the car for Niamh and is hit by the Malaysian heat as he gets out.

Matthew starts to whimper a little, "oh dear wee man it's warm isn't it?" he says as Niamh goes on in to see Chloe.
"Niamh you've dressed him for a British winter not a bloody Malaysian summer" Joe says as he follows behind and Brian gets the cases out the car.

"Sorry! Strip him down" Niamh shouts as she is already in the house with Chloe.

Niamh and Chloe run at each other and hug. "I've missed you" Chloe squeals with utter delight to see Niamh.

"I've missed you too" Niamh says as they continue to hug each other.

Joe looks around the house a bit puzzled to where they are and then gathers they are in the sun room as he can hear Niamh. But then another voice starts to speak and they sound exactly like Niamh so he's a little confused.

He decides to walk in anyway and luckily he sees Chloe and Niamh. Niamh turns to see Joe and so does Chloe but she freezes and looks at Joe. "Well hi" Joe says as he waves at Chloe.

Chloe still says nothing and seems to be shaking a little, "Chlo?" Niamh says as she waves her hand in front of Chloe's face.

Niamh rolls her eyes, "well this is Joe, my boyfriend and baby Matthew is there in his car seat" Niamh smiles.

"Joe... M-m-McFadden... Is y-y-your boyfriend?" Chloe stutters.

Niamh laughs, "yes Joe McFadden is my boyfriend" she says.
Chloe walks out the room completely shocked and gives a shriek of delight before walking back in.

Niamh laughs at her, "Hi my names Chloe, nice to meet you too?" Niamh questions as she still hasn't spoke a word since Joe walked in.

"Oh my goodness your Raf out of Holby City right?" she stutters.

Joe laughs and nods "the one and only" he smiles as he puts Matthew down in his car seat.

"Oh my days" she giggles like a love sick teenager.

Chloe looks at Niamh before giving a squeal of delight and throwing her arms around Joe.
Joe hugs her back a little stunned at her, Niamh smirks and lefts Matthew out his car seat.

She pulls away from Joe and looks at Niamh incredibly shocked. "You... Gave birth his baby..." Chloe stutters.

"Yes Chlo that would be right" she laughs as Matthew wriggles in her arms.

"OMG Niamh your so lucky" Chloe says.

Niamh laughs, "oh my goodness I can't believe on screen Raf is standing in my living room" Chloe squeals as she takes a step back and raises her hand to her mouth.
Joe smiles and looks over at Niamh and gives a little laugh.

"Calm down Chlo" Niamh laughs.

"My number one fan?" Joe laughs as he passes Niamh Matthew's dummy.

"Oh my goodness of course!!" Chloe smiles happily.

Chloe stumbles a little then sits herself down and Niamh sits beside her with Matthew. "Baby McFadden geez Niamh you did good!!" Chloe giggles.

"Calm down, you'll see enough of Joe the next four weeks" Niamh laughs.
"Baby Walsh" Niamh corrects her.

"Oh sorry" Chloe says awkwardly.

"Can't risk people finding out about me and Joe" Niamh says.

"Oh I'm sorry, I won't tell anyone" Chloe says.

Joe sits opposite them and Chloe looks at Matthew, "can I have a little hold?" Chloe questions.

"Give me a sec until I strip him down to his vest, I think he's too warm" Niamh says and Joe nods in agreement.
Niamh lies Matthew on her lap and undoes his grow.

She then passes Matthew to Chloe, "Oh my gosh Niamh he's gorgeous" Chloe says as she cradles Matthew.
Niamh smiles at her happily, "Look at them chubby cheeks and he's so tiny" Chloe coos.

"Takes after Joe" Niamh mutters jokingly.

Joe pokes her in the ribs and smirks "more like he takes after you Niamh, tiny and chubby" he jokes.

"Funny one you are" she says as she hits him with a pillow playfully, he grabs her shoulders and pulls her into a hug and smothers her in kisses, she squeals at him which Chloe finds incredibly cute.

"Joe cut it out" she says as she pulls away and hits him playfully.

"Ooh you two are so cute" Chloe smiles happily as Niamh continues to giggle.

Niamh smiles at Chloe "So do you like him 'Auntie Chloe'?" Niamh questions.

Chloe giggles, "he's gorgeous Niamh" she smiles.

"Some days I just don't want to put him down at all, I just want to snuggle with him" Niamh smiles.

"Niamh you already do that all day everyday" Joe smirks.

Niamh frowns, "don't be cheeky" she tries to say with a straight face but can't and ends up giggling, Joe rests his hand on Niamh's knee and watches Chloe with Matthew.

Matthew starts to whimper a little, "Oh dear" Chloe says as she looks down at Matthew.

He let's out a loud cry and Niamh knows he is probably hungry, She stands up "feeding time i guess" Niamh says as she stands up. She takes Matthew off Chloe just as her mum and dad come in "come on my little prince shall we go see if we can heat you some milk up" Niamh coos as she tries to sooth him.

Joe grabs his bottle and takes Matthew off her as she heats the milk up. He stands looking around her mums kitchen "nice and very airy" Joe smiles.

"Yeah I love the view through that window over there, always used to stand there as a kid when my granny came and we would talk about the sea" Niamh says.

"The beach is one of my favourite places at night" she smiles as she check the temperature of the milk for Matthew. She walks over to Joe and hands him the bottle, she leans against his shoulder as she only comes topiary above his shoulder.

"Shh wee man what's this" Joe says as he holds the teet to his mouth.
It takes a while but he finally takes the milk, "do you fancy a walk tonight?" Joe says.
"Along the beach?" Joe smiles.

She smiles "I would love too" she smiles.

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