Possibly the Father

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She heads for work and smiles to herself as she gets into the car, 'see you in 5 X' she texts Joe. She gets to work around 30 minutes later, luckily she isn't needed on set till three today but strange enough Jody Latham how plays her ex husband Jed is here

She heads for her dressing room and bumps into Joe, "sorry traffic was really heavy, but can you spare half an hour?" she asks.
He nods happily and follows her to her dressing room.

"I've got something to show you" she smiles happily as she sets her handbag down and starts to look through it for the scan photo.

Joe stands next to her and smiles "come on Niamh, today I do want my lunch" he laughs.

"Meet most likely yours...your son or daughter" she smiles as she takes Joe's hand and places the scan photo in it.

Joe's mouth drops open, he doesn't say anything for ages as he doesn't know what to say.

She takes Joe's hand and lifts her top up a little, "and here's your daddy little one" Niamh smiles.

"How far along are you?" He says as he looks at her slightly swollen stomach.

"3 months" she replies.

Joe smiles happily "your already showing, something tells me this little thing is going to be a big baby" Joe says as he sits down and looks at the scan in more detail.

"So this is where you were this morning" he says as he looks back up at her. Niamh comes to sit down on his knee and nods. Joe smiles happily at her, he rests his hand on her stomach and smiles.
He sees a few scrapes covered up by make-up on her cheeks, "Oh babe" he says as he strokes her cheek gently but she winces in pain so he stops instantly.

He kisses her cheek, "Let's just say things got taken to a new level last night" Niamh mutters.

"Anyway I'm here now and he's away for a week" she says.

Joe smiles at her and kisses her cheek.
"I love you" she mutters as she wraps her arms around his neck and rests her head on his shoulder.
Joe smiles at her and kisses her neck, he takes Niamh's hand and locks their fingers and smiles up at her.

"Daddy McFadden" she smiles as she looks at him lovingly.

Joe tickles her "don't call me that it makes me sound creepy" he laughs as she buts into hysterics.

"Sorry" she giggles. "Listen to me" she starts off as she takes his two hands.
"It's more likely to be yours because of you know...when we did it" she says nervously.

"Yes I know Niamh we forgot, and anyway when you going to tell everyone?" He says as he hugs her close.

"I don't know, because Elliot doesn't know yet" she says as she hugs Joe tightly.

"Well I'm 4 months next week so I could tell him I'm pregnant then, well it will have to be over the phone" she smiles at him.

Joe nods and smiles, "I could do with a bit of company tonight, would you be free to come over?" she asks.

"Well I'll have to consult my diary" he jokes as he strokes her arm.

"Oh really" she giggles as she taps his nose.

He picks his phone up off the table, "luckily I have nothing planned, I shall pick up a bottle of non alcoholic wine and come round yours" he laughs as he kisses her lightly on the lips.

"I'm very pleased to know you can come" she giggles as she kisses him back.

Later on Niamh is on set and she's looking quite pale. "Are you alright?" Joe mouths to her as discreetly as possible.

He watches her lean against the wall, he then goes over to her, "Niamh?" He questions and she shakes her head.

"I'm gonna he sick" she mumbles, Joe starts to panics.

He looks around and then sees the runner with a empty plastic bag, "can I have that bag please?" He says and the runner nods and hands it to him.

"Here take this" he says panicking. She jolts forward and is sick into the bag, Joe stands there rubbing her back as attention is drawn to her.

"Maybe you should go home? Get some rest" he says.

She shakes her head "no this baby isn't going to stop me from working" she mutters.

"Come and get a glass of water and sit down for a second" he says.

Ellie and on set medic come over and the medic sits Niamh on the floor and tells her to put her head between her legs. "Sorry I think it was some dodgy sushi I ate a few night ago" Niamh mutters to the medic.

"It's fine just take a moment" she says.

Niamh groans "oh god I'm going to be sick again" Niamh panics as she grabs the page again.

"Joe's right Niamh why don't you go home, rest up" Ellie suggests.

She shakes her head, "come on let's get this scrub top off you" The medic says as she notices Niamh is wearing a long sleeve jumper underneath.
Niamh gets up on the floor and takes the scrub top off. As she pulls her scrub top off, her jumper rolls up and Ellie notices a big bruise on her waist.

Joe starts to get worried for her, "erm Niamh how did you manage this?" she says descreetly pointing the bruise.

Niamh panics and starts to stutter, "I... Fell down... down... the stairs... But silly of me to be honest" Niamh whispers as she holds her jumper down.

"Ouch that looks painful" Ellie says.
Niamh nods nervously and tries to hold herself together.

"Niamh why do we go get you a glass of water?" Joe suggest trying to get her out of the sticky situation.
She nods and grabs her scrub top off the floor.

Joe takes her to get a glass of water.
Niamh smiles at him, "thanks for not telling them" she mutters.

"It's fine" he smiles as he gets her a glass of water. "Are you knocking mummy around ay?" Joe smiles as he steps closer to her and strokes her stomach with his thumb.

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