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Niamh and Joe have been in the car for over an hour now as they are on his way to Joe's mums house for the week.

Matthew is asleep along with Niamh. Joe comes to a stand still on the motorway due to road works and he quickly switched his phone on the stand to the camera and zooms in on Niamh sleeping and takes a photo.

He doesn't know the flash is on and it wakens Niamh, although he did manage to have got the photo.

"What was that?" Niamh says quite panicked.

Joe quickly switched his phone back to the maps and smiles "oh lightning I think, looks like there's gonna be a down pour" he replies.

She sits up a little and smiles before looking round at Matthew. "He's alright, slept for hours" he smiles.

"That's good" she smiles.

"I need the toilet so we will stop at the service station for lunch" joe smiles.

"I need the toilet too" she says. "I think Matty needs his nappy changing too" Niamh smiles.

Joe nods and smiles and they stop at a service station nearby. Niamh gets out the car and gets Matthew out and carries him into the service station with the nappy bag.

"Meet you back at Costa babe?" he asks and Niamh nods.

Niamh carries Matthew to the baby changing facilities. "Are you sleepy wee man?" she coos as he still hasn't wakened. Niamh places a disposable mat down on the changing bored and lies Matthew down.

Matthew yawns a little and and streches out. "Oh that was a big stretch" Niamh smiles and undoes his dungarees and vest to get to his nappy.

Matthew looks up at Niamh tiredly and reaches for her hair. She brushes her hair out the way and changes his nappy.

He starts to babble, "you telling me a big story sunshine?" she coos.

"Ma!" He squeals as Niamh straps his new nappy up.

Niamh smiles and pulls his dungarees back up as he squeals and waves his arms. "Shall we go find daddy?" Niamh says as she lifts him and disposes of the dirty nappy.

Niamh smiles as Matthew has a firm grip of her top and they head out to find Joe.

Joe is sat at a table in costa coffee with a drink for himself and Niamh and also Matthews bottle of milk and water.

"I see he's wakened up" Joe laughs.

"Yes he certainly has" Niamh giggles as Matthew looks at Joe wide eyed.

"Hey sleepy head" Joe laughs.

Niamh smiles and sits Matthew on her lap. "There's a coffee for you" Joe smiles.

"Thank you" Niamh smiles.

Joe smiles and Matthew bangs the table and looks at Joe. Niamh laughs and kisses his head and smiles.

Joe smiles and hands him his bottle. "Clever boy" Joe smiles as Matthew holds his own bottle.

Niamh smiles a little, "are you okay? Your pale" Joe says to Niamh.

"God I wish everyone would stop telling me that" Niamh says as he voice breaks a little.

"Oh sorry, I was just saying" he says.

Niamh says nothing and looks at Matthew. "Maybe I am ill, my throats a little sore" she says as she coughs.

"Could be" Joe smiles. "You're a bit pale babe" he says as he strokes her hand.

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