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"Isn't he a bit too young for teeth?" Niamh says.

"Erm...I don't think so" he says as they get home and get into the house.

"Shall I check?" Niamh says as she puts the pram away.

"Yeah, I'll leave your fanmail in the lounge" he says.

Niamh nods and takes Matthew off him and goes and sits on the sofa with him. He leaves her fanmail on the coffee table and goes and sits next to her.

"Can mummy check your mouth Matty?" Niamh says as she taps his lips.

He starts to babble and grabs hold of Niamh's finger, "Come on sweetie" Niamh smiles.

He smiles at her and tries to suck her finger, "Try it now while he's got your finger in his mouth" Joe smiles.

Niamh feels around in his mouth a bit, "well?" Joe asks.

"There's defiantly something" Niamh says as she runs her index thin get along his lower gum.

He whines a little as Niamh touches a certain spot and tries to take her finger out. Niamh nods at Joe and smiles "his tooth hasn't cut properly but it's there" Niamh smiles.

"That's what's giving you bother then you cheeky monkey!" Niamh coos.

Joe smiles at Matthew and kisses his head. "Are you coming for a bath then?" he asks as Niamh reaches for the bag of fanmail.

Matthew smiles happily at Joe and he carries him upstairs.

He lays him on the tile floor in the bathroom while he fills the bath. Matthew squeals as he rests his cheek on the cool tiles.

Joe watches him carefully as it's the cheek of the side the tooth is one, "oi rascal is that tooth bothering you?" he coos.

Matthew rolls onto his back and looks up at Joe. "Boo" Joe laughs as he lifts him up which makes Matthew giggle. "I bet you can't wait to splash about" Joe smiles, Matthew looks at Joe and babbles while he strips him for the bath.

Joe check the backs of his legs for the eczema, "oh dear that looks like it's spread" Joe coos.

"We'll let mummy have a look at you later" he days as he puts him in the bath.

Matthew squeals as Joe sits him in the bath. He waves his arms about and splashes "Is that good Matty?" Joe coos.

He babbles happily at Joe, Matthew squeals and splashes but it splashes in his face and he stars to cry.

"Oh you edjit" Joe laughs as he wipes his eyes carefully with the towel. Matthew scrunches his face up and whines.

"Oh dear, we are very grizzly today aren't we?" Joe says.

Matthew whines even more as Jow washes his hair. Joe washes his hair quite quickly and gets him out quickly as he is rather agitated.

Matthew cries and he holds his arms up to Joe. "Yes I know wee man" he says as he gets a towel and wraps him up in it.

Joe carries him through to the bedroom and lies him on the bed as he gets him some pyjamas out. He dries him off and puts cream on him for his eczema which looks rathe agrivated.

Matthew sucks on his fist as Joe gets his nappy on "There's daddy's good boy" he smiles as he strokes his arm.

Matthew kicks his legs around as Joe gets his pyjamas on him. He lifts him up once dressed and takes him down to Niamh with his blanket and dummy.

"How's it going?" Joe questions as he goes into the lounge to see Niamh replying to fan mail.

"There's so much of it!" she says.

"Not too much I hope, I did bring five packs of your cast cards too" Joe says as he sits down.

She nods and smiles, "oh someone doesn't look too happy?" she says as Matthew does look rather grumpy as he is sucking on the edge of his blanket Joe has wrapped around him.

Joe laughs "he was so grizzly in the bath" Joe smiles.

"Oh dear" she laughs. Joe smiles and lies Matthew against his chest and watches Niamh, "oh Joe read this letter" Niamh smiles.

"Why?" he laughs as he takes the letter off her and Matthew cuddles into his chest.

"It's really sweet... How my storylines have helped this girl to cope with family issues" Niamh smiles.

Joe nods as he read the letter, He smiles to himself "oh woah I get a mention too" Joe smiles.

"It's so sweet right?" she smiles as she watches Matthew who is watching the flames in the fire.

She stands up and smiles at him "where you going?" Joe asks.

"Paper" Niamh replies.

Joe smiles, "aw we've got a sleepy Matty now" he says as he leans back with Matthew laid on his chest.

Niamh smiles as she comes back in, "try giving him some milk before you put him down" Niamh says.

"He's half asleep though?" Joe laughs.

"He may still take it" Niamh says as she starts to write.

Joe laughs and goes to get him so milk and warm it up, "what you going to write back to them? Joe asks as he walks out.

"Just that I'm pleased my storylines have helped them any everything" Niamh smiles.

"Lovely" he smiles as he comes back with Matthew's warm milk.

Niamh laughs and grabs a cast card and signs it. "Niamh look at him...can I give him milk later if he wakens?" Joe asks as he is out for the count holding onto a handful of Joe's t-shirt.

"Excuse me why my call?" he laughs.

"Because you should of fed him while he was still awake" Niamh laughs.

"He literally fell asleep like 5 minutes ago!" Joe laughs.

Niamh laughs and carries on ceiling the envelopes. "Not gonna argue" she laughs.

"Fine but your on nappy duty for tonight" Joe smiles.

"Fine by me, I have been for the past 5 months" she laughs.

"Since the day he was born" Joe laughs.

"Think I could change a nappy with my eyes closed" she laughs.

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