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A few hours later they both decide to go for lunch as Niamh only has a few hours left of work.

Niamh takes her hair down out of the bun it is in and gets herself changed. Joe finishes off getting changed and goes into Niamh's dressing room.

"Ready to go?" Joe asks.

"Yeah hang on until I fix my hair" she says.

"It's nice now come on, I haven't eaten all day" he says.

Niamh brush it quickly and grabs her purse from her handbag, "no need for that, lunch is on me" he says as he sets her purse down for her.

Niamh smiles and grabs her phone off charge and they head out. Joe smiles and takes hold of her hand as they head out of the studios.

They are met by a few fans as they walk down the drive way. "Oh here we're popular today" Niamh laughs.

"Hi" Niamh smiles as a young girl and her mum approach them.

"...Hi" the girl can just about get out as she is stunned to see Niamh and Joe.

"What's your name?" Niamh smiles as Joe signs her book.

"Kelly" she smiles a little nervous but incredibly happy.

"And your friend?" Niamh smiles as there is another girl behind her.

"That's Katie" she giggles.

Katie spies the ring on Niamh's finger and looks at it shocked, "wait...erm?!" she says as she can't get her words out and Niamh looks up at her.

"You two girls seem familiar have we met before?" Niamh asks as she signs Katie's book.

"You've met me but not Kelly" Katie smiles.

"Oh I remember" Niamh laughs.

"I've never noticed your ring before!" Katie says with excitement and a little confused.

"Oh I'm getting married" Niamh smiles.

"To Joe?" Kelly says without thinking.

Niamh looks up at Joe and smiles and Joe nods and her to say yes, "to Joe yes" she smiles.

"Oh my god that's so sweet" Katie smiles.

"I'm happy for you" Katie giggles as she blushes as Joe hugs her from the side.

"Thank you" Niamh smiles.

"I just want to say Niamh your photos of baby Matthew are adorable" Kelly smiles.

"Aw thanks" Niamh smiles happily.

"He's poorly at the moment" Joe pipes up as he hasn't really said much.

"Aww I hope he gets better soon" Katie smiles.

Niamh smiles, "you girls are so lovely" she says. The two blush and smile at Niamh, "oh do you want a photo?" Niamh asks.

"Yes!" they both say in unison.

Niamh laughs "okay so one together us four then single ones?" She suggests.

The two girls nod and get their phones out. Niamh laughs and smiles "nice phone cases girlies" she giggles as they are both of her.

They both blush which makes Joe laugh. They get their pictures and just stand mesmorised that they have actually met Niamh.

Joe laughs at them "oh dear someone's star stuck" he laughs.

Kelly snaps out of it, "oh yeah sorry" she laughs.

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