I forgot

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A few members of the crew come over and to see if she's alright. She eventually starts to come round.

"What happened" she says as she looks up at Joe.

"You fainted" he says as he lies her back down flat.

Niamh sits herself up and sees Camilla still had Matthew but is sitting down.
"Are you okay?" Joe asks as Niamh rubs her head.

"Must of forgotten to eat again" she says and everyone looks at her rather worridly.

She gets herself up off the floor and stumbles around a little before getting her balance. "Why don't you come with me and get something to eat?" Joe says as she still looks rather pale.

"But Matthew" she says.

Ellie nods at Joe as she knows about them both, "I'm sure Ellie and Camilla can look after him for a bit, isn't his changing bag in your dressing room?" Joe says and Niamh nods.

Joe guides Niamh out of the studios and down to the cafeteria where most of the EastEnders cast are currently eating.

"I don't feel well at all" she moans.

"I think you need to get some food down you, how much did you exactly eat at breakfast?" He questions.

"The bowl of cereal you gave me" she says.

He nods and they both get a tray "you do realise I've never eaten anything from here in 15 months I've been here" Niamh says.

"Well you are going to eat something now" he says. She smiles and has a look what they have.

"Joe I'm really not hungry" she says.

Joe smiles at her "well your eating something, Matthew needs his mummy up and well" he says.

"I am well" she huffs.

Joe smiles at her and moves his tray along the rails and picks up a pot of fruit for himself. "I know you like pineapple so why not eat it if you don't want a full meal?" he suggests.

She nods and picks a pot of pineapples up and grabs a bottle of water. Niamh comes over and sits down.
She eats the pineapple rather slowly but Joe makes sure she eats it all.

"Come on Niamhy all of it" he whispers as he strokes her leg under the table.

"Joe?" Niamh says unexpectedly.
"Do you think they know...about us?" she stutters.

He thinks to himself "I'm not so sure you know" he smiles.

Niamh smiles at him as she eventually finishes her pineapple. "I want to kiss you so badly" he says.

"Joe!" Niamh giggles. Joe blushes, "if I'm honest me too" she agrees.
He strokes her hand under the table and watches her.

"Feeling any better now?" he asks.

She nods "now if you don't mind I'd like to go and see my little boy" she says she stands up.

"He will be fine with Ellie, why don't you come with me" Joe smirks.

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