Dinner table

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Joe laughs, "so any dates for the big day?" Mary asks.

"We've spoken about it but we're just that busy and scripts are written months in advance" Joe explains.

"Well we're trying for a weekend date in the next four years" Niamh says.

Mary smiles, "I see" she says as she looks at Matthew and smiles happily.

"Tell your mummy and daddy to hurry up and get married" Mary says to Matthew.

Niamh smiles, "I'd really love to soon, but with work, it's hard" she says as Matthew starts to babble.

"Especially as it's something we'd like Matty to remember" Joe adds.

Mary smiles, "he's a gorgeous wee thing" she coos.

Niamh smiles happily and kisses Joe's cheek.

Matthew babbles and sucks his fingers.

"So bright and alert... You did well son" John smiles.

Joe smiles and watches Matthew with his mum.

"Oh sweetie" Mary smiles as Matthew sneezes.

"Look at that dirty nose" Mary says as she cleans his nose with a tissue.

Matthew tries to get away from the tissue as he doesn't like the feel of it.

He starts to cry, "oh dear" Mary says as she tries to settle him.

"Ma!" He cries hysterically.

"Aw Matthew, granny is only trying to help" Niamh says as she lifts him.

Matthew continues to cry and leans over her shoulder and reaches for Joe.

"What's wrong son? Are you hungry?" he says as he takes him off Niamh.

Matthew cries a little louder and clings to him but with Niamh's hair in his hand.

"It's okay, shh" Joe coos as he rubs Matthew's back.

"Niamh want to hear his lunch up" Joe says to her.

"Dinner's ready Joe" John says as he puts his head around the door.

"Sorry for upsetting him" Mary says.

"Don't worry he always does it when he's hungry or being fussy" Niamh smiles.

"Come on till we see" Joe says as he takes him to the kitchen. Matthew continues to cry as they take him into the kitchen.

"There's cottage pie for him Joe, it's just cooling" John says as Joe sits down with Matthew on his knee.

"I'm afraid you'll have to keep Matthew on your lap as we haven't got a high chair" Mary says.

"That's fine, he can sit on my knee" Niamh smiles as she checks to see if his cottage pie is ready for him to eat.

"Ooo Matty you'll love this" Niamh smiles.

"How do you know?" Joe questions.

"He has cottage pie in them baby jars at home" Niamh replies.

"Niamh get your dinner and I'll feed him?" Joe suggests.

"No I'm fine" Niamh smiles. Joe nods and passes Matthew to Niamh.

Niamh smiles and kisses Matthews head. "Now" she smiles as she sits him on his knee while Joe makes him a bottle of water.

Matthew squeals and waves his arms around. Niamh smiles and feeds him the pie.

Matthew tastes the pie and then squeals and kicks his legs for more, "Is that nice?" Niamh coos.

Niamh gives him more. "Ma" he squeals with a mouthful of food.

Niamh frowns as joe encourages him. "I guess he likes it then?" Mary smiles.

"Defiantly" Joe smiles. Mary smiles as Joe has seemed to relax a little "Shall we let mummy eat her dinner?" Joe says as he takes Matthew off her.

Matthew frowns and looks at Joe and grabs his bottle off the table. "Oh dear that was a wrong move daddy" Niamh laughs.

John laughs, "he's a right character!" he says.

"Oh he defiantly is" Niamh laughs.

He looks at Joe and babbles to him while Joe finishes his dinner off. "Someone is defiantly spoilt by their mummy and daddy" John says.

Once Joe has finished he feeds Matthew some more of his. "Would you like me to have him for a bit? I'm off down the shop if you've got a pram" Jamie says.

"Yeah I'll go get it it's in the car" Joe smiles as he passes Matthew to Jamie.

Niamh smiles at Matthew over the table and gets up. "I'll get it, you finish your dinner babe" Joe smiles as he goes to get Matthew's buggy.

Niamh nods and sits back down, Niamh sits in an awkward silence with them all.

"So Niamh where did you train?" Mary asks.

"Yeah I trained at LAMDA in London" Niamh replies.

Mary smiles, "have you done anything else apart from holby?" she asks.

"I've just finished silent witness and I've also been in an episode of Casualty" Niamh says.

"Very nice" Mary smiles.

Niamh smiles and sips her water, "please excuse me a minute I need the bathroom" Niamh says as she gets up. Niamh meets Joe in the hall, "where's the bathroom, I forgot to ask your mum" she says.

"Here" Joe says as he opens the door under the stairs.

"Thanks" she smiles.

Unfortunately we've reached the end of Wattpads chapter limit... So I guess this is goodbye...

Only joking we've created the second part, just follow our page for the updates and hopefully 'Roll Cameras prt2' will be up soon😘😘

Stay alert ✌🏼️

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